Our last article; the first in this series of 5 things you need to go…
“We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those…
Editors Note: Another guest contribution from Megan Nichols to The Prepper Journal. As always, if you have information for…
Editor’s Note: This article was generously contributed by Clarence Mason and in it he compares…
This is the fifth and final article in a five part series on Neighborhood defense…
When you are entering and exiting your motor vehicle, you are a prime target for…
You may already have a mental running list of items like duct tape, canned food, and cooking oil, but there is one item you may not have included among your prepper tools: the trash can.
Editors Note: The following guest article has been generously contributed by Matt Sevald. In…
UGH! – but wait, these are good elections (now there is a statement I NEVER…
Wanna know the secret to becoming a better shooter? Actually, there is no secret, but dry fire, can significantly increase a persons shooting ability.
There’s a very old and astute adage by George Santayana stating: “Those who cannot remember…
It’s one of the more common problems us preppers try to figure out. What is the best way home as quickly and safely as possible when SHTF and you are far away?
Survival books are what started me on my path to prepping. For a long time…