With much of the U.S. finding itself in increasing lockdowns due to the Coronavirus and COVID-19, and many countries in a complete lockdown, we thought this article from 2014 would be worth re-publishing.We’re still seeing a lot of people who are ignoring basic self-distancing protocols and espousing a “government can’t tell me what to do.” I agree that government overreach has the real potential for getting bad, but voluntarily choosing to stay home or isolate is a much different scenario than the government imposing martial law. The first is OK, the second abhorrent. With food availability possibly becoming an issue,…
Author: Wild Bill
There’s no doubt that the Coronavirus and COVID-19 are having an affect on what used to be a normal life. Hopefully, it’ll soon return to that. For some, anyway. I happen to fall into one of the high-risk categories due to age and some related health issues, so for the moment I’m holed up with very minimal (physical) contact with the outside world. I honestly don’t know how this will play out. As you might expect, we’re pretty well stocked on supplies to get us through the near term. As long as I treat everyone on the outside as a…
The Coronavirus/COVID-19 has caused a lot of chaos in recent weeks. Countries have closed their borders, governments have restricted the movement of their citizens, and in the United States, city mayors have restricted people from gathering in groups of more than 50 (as of this date, March 16, 2020).In fact, just this afternoon, the mayor of San Francisco ordered a 3-week lockdown of the city. Whether or not you think this was a good move is immaterial, especially if you’re a resident there. Only God knows what will happen in the coming weeks, but I believe it’s bound to get…
About 8 weeks ago, we were hearing of a respiratory virus going around China. A short time later, the Chinese government essentially locked down the country in order to help halt the spread of the Coronavirus. If you want to see the latest maps and information on the COVID-19 outbreak, The Johns Hopkins University and Worldometer have near real time information on cases, locations and outcomes. This isn’t the flu Emergency room As a new virus, you have people calling it the next great calamity (which it might be) or “just the flu” (which it definitely is not). While the…
Recoilweb recently published a good article about the probabilities of unlikely events, The Surprisingly Solid Mathematical Case of the Tin Foil Hate Gun Prepper, and how it applies to the “zombie apocalypse”. The 2018 article discusses the likelihood of a revolution or other major event happening, and how preppers are generally along the leading edge of surviving these events. It does contain non-common core math calculations, so those who are triggered by such things would be best served by not reading it.
The Corona virus (COVID-19) is all over the news, with plenty of fear-mongering spread among the analysis and good information. Because of that, I don’t think there’s a lot for me to write about this without spending a ton of time digging into it or coming up with conspiracy theories. That said, I do think the tendency of some I know to dismiss the seriousness of the threat is misguided. It seems COVID-19 has a longer symptom-free period where the carrier is contagious, can last longer on solid surfaces, and may or may not have a higher mortality rate than…
Virginia Democrats: “We’re passing the most draconian anti-gun measures in the nation!” Arizona Democrats: “Hold my beer!” Well, the madness (and Bloomberg’s money) has come from the East coast to try and worm its way into Arizona. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen anti-gun legislation here in Arizona, and it certainly won’t be the last. But coming on the heels of Virginia, it appears Arizona anti-Constitutionalists were emboldened by Virginia’s ‘success’ at forwarding the anti-gun agenda. The Fight is On! At particular interest in Arizona are Senate Bills 1624, 1625 and 1626, which are written to require government intervention…
After weeks of preparation, thousands of gun-rights supporters, including leaders from the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) and Gun Owners of America are gathering at Virginia’s state capitol square for Lobby Day. As expected, Governor Northam put a gun ban in place to prevent law abiding citizens from exercising their 2nd Amendment rights during the event. The apparent reason is to prevent violence, and was based on credible threats. If the liberals are going to demand that our president present what evidence he had to eliminate a terrorist leader, then I believe the People have the same right to demand…
The Virginia legislature went full-blown communist with a bill that would outlaw indoor shooting ranges except if in a government building.
So Long, 2019. Hello 2020. As we at The Prepper Journal look back at 2019, there are a lot of things to be thankful for: Not dying A good economy and low unemployment Preparedness becoming more mainstream as communities and individuals realize the government can’t be relied upon Good guys with guns stopped bad guys with guns Old friends & new friends But as we go into the last evening of the decade, we can’t help but wonder how the upcoming year will play out, with the constant assault on our rights, the distortion of the meaning of our Constitution,…
Virginia threatens gun control laws and local governments say they won’t enforcement. Virginia’s AG says they can’t refuse. GOA and VCDL say he’s wrong.
Anyone else remember Y2k with fondness? What did you do to prepare?
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah from all of us at The Prepper Journal
Can the Virginia Governor use the National Guard to enforce gun control laws?
I am always amused to hear people talk at the range or gun shows about “facts cast in stone.” As with most other gun enthusiasts, I think I have a clear set of facts that I understand and work from when deciding to listen and be polite, or to interrupt and try and educate. Like every other person on the planet, I don’t know everything. So, these casual discussions can educate if you put them through your personal duck test: If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, leaves a mess in its wake like a duck -…
The new Virginia legislature has wasted no time coming after your Constitutional rights.
Every prepper has heard of the bug out bag. But do you have a Get Me Home Bag?
Editor’s Note: I know, Summer is hardly begun, some kids still have a long Summer breaks in front of them while some return to school this week; but the time to start preparing for the upcoming hunting season is upon us so this article from James Smith at PointOptics.com is timely in the overall scheme of things. Nothing beats the feeling of stalking a game animal successfully. It’s the pay-off for rising before dawn, hitting the trail, and using the best equipment for the job. The devil is in the details when it comes to choosing the right rifle, scope,…
Editor’s Note: Since their introduction steroids have received a lot of knee-jerk press, rumors and half-truths. While a complicated science, Kimberly Clark offers the following insight into their proper use. When I received my PSIA (Professional Ski Instructors Association) certification in Adaptive Techniques to work with the handicapped the toughest part of the training was learning about the meds my students might be taking. Knowing the last dose received before a lesson, knowing how long before a next dose was recommended, knowing the possible side effects of not only the medication itself, but the symptoms indicating the medication was wearing…
Living or working in a disaster-prone area always requires that you be prepared for the worst. When a natural disaster strikes, you might not have the time to take the right recuperative measures if you were ill-prepared. It is vital that you have an electric portable generator in standby just to be on the safe side. If you live in such an area, it could mean having to survive some uncomfortable situations like enduring darkness for days, eating canned foods, and having a lot more store in your fridge or freezer going bad due to lack of power. If you…
Seriously, if we don’t then who will? We have been making changes and we need to brag about some of them. The Archive Admittedly it was left as a secondary task but NOW has been not only updated to contain over 1,300 articles, but will be updated on a monthly basis to add the proceeding months posts going forward. This thanks to the efforts of one amazing IT guy. The intended purpose of the Archive is to give followers the collective wisdom of the many writers who have contributed to The Prepper Journal over the years. Experts on survival, weapons,…
What if you were suddenly overwhelmed by an event? An earthquake, a micro-burst along a lonely road that did in your vehicle, you barely got out before it was washed down a swollen creek during a flash flood? An avalanche that cut off your trail back to civilization? Heads down in your work and you step out the door to finally head home for the night and you step into the middle of a riot? Or a pandemic? The world suddenly gone mad! Assuming being prepared is a habit chances are you have your EDC (every day carry) with you,…
Survival is more of an art than a science and there are as many opinions on the “right” way to do it as there are preppers. While everyone isn’t certain they have the final answer, the truth is, no one really knows because the showdown, apocalypse, calamity, SHTF, disaster, fall of America, whatever you want to call it, hasn’t happened yet. Since it hasn’t happened yet, and reliable prophets are few and far between, there is no way of knowing what kind of situation you’ll find yourself in when it arrives. If history has taught us anything it is that…
As we normal folks prepare for emergencies, disasters and the like, I was curious as to how one might approach this should “money be no object.” I myself have never had that problem, when cost was an afterthought, not a concern. But there are those that are born to or succeed to a point where this is their reality and in such Daniel Williams brought the following to my attention. I for one found it fascinating, not just for the content and presentation but for the reality that if the EOTWAWKI, SHTF happens some of the “Golden Horde” is going…
The Prepper Journal wishes all a safe and sane and happy Independence Day. Good times, with family and friends, a moment of reflection on those who set us upon this journey and those that made us a land of opportunity and continue to do so every day. The freedoms we enjoy should be celebrated. And remember: Be Safe out there and be sure to check out The Prepper Journal Store and follow The Prepper Journal on Facebook!
As you know The Prepper Journal usually doesn’t republish already published articles, but every so often we come across some that truly add value to our followers and warrant further exposure. And with the “internet” being like the universe, ever expanding in every direction, some valuable content can easily be missed. While the focus here is the United Kingdom, population 65,000,000 it is simple to project the statistics on the United States, population 327,000,000. So, thanks to permission from the Team at Target Crazy, I am sharing their article on The Mental Health Benefits of High Concentration Sports herein. While…
Whether you’re out of work and lose your house, in a natural disaster, or SHTF scenario or are one of the sole survivors of a zombie apocalypse (an election in California), there may come a time when you find yourself unexpectedly living out of your truck. Preparing your truck ahead of time so that you can live out of it will save you frustration in an already stressful situation. It will also prove invaluable should you breakdown somewhere that seems like the end of the world, like Interstate 10 between El Paso to San Antonio. This guide will explain to…
While we all hope to never have to make the decision to use deadly force to defend ourselves and our loved ones, it happens everyday somewhere and with an opposition party in the USA that incites and advocates violence, hate and criminality in the place of reasoned debate and an open mind, criminals may not always be that person kicking in your front door. From road rage escalating to flag burning to destruction of public and private property to the assault on our history, the flash points can be anywhere and escalation is sometimes impossible to control. The Christian approach…
June 21st – The beginning of Summer north of the equator, the longest day of the year (daylight vs. night) and the Summer Solstice, the opposite for those south of the equator. Really? REALLY? Well it was 111 degrees in Phoenix last Wednesday and Thursday and 112 degrees last Friday. One can understand my skepticism about today being the beginning of summer, but then it did cool to a bone-chilling 104 degrees over last weekend. Like living on the surface of the sun. What better time than talk about water and hydration and how they sustain all life on earth.…
The Prepper Journal has posted in the past on the importance of sleep, like when it is your turn on guard duty. But in general sleep is a real need and knowing how to get quality sleep will go a long way in keeping your healthy and on your game, a requirement in dealing with disasters and emergencies big and small in the real world. It would help if you prepared yourself well before bedtime to ensure that you get a good night’s sleep. There are many ways of achieving this. You can do exercise, have a comfortable mattress, control…