The future has become increasingly unstable for many of us in recent times. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to work on building up an emergency food pantry that will allow you to survive for a very long time using your own food resources and preparing food that will last. There are a number of food storage solutions that are designed to last for many years. You can approach the task of building up a store of emergency foods in a number of different ways. The simplest way would be to accumulate an extra amount of non-perishable foods that…
Author: Cornelia Adams
Heading out for an adventure with your mountain bike is probably one of the perks of owning one. As fearless as it sounds, you may still want to do a safety check for your experience to be good. You must be responsible when it comes to packing before you start your journey. Mountain bike adventures often take you to places where it is just you and your bike and not a single soul, which is why being self-reliant is essential in this case. Additionally, mountain bikes can be a tremendous resource to preppers in a situation where vehicle traffic is…
Prepping is a lifestyle that allows you to prepare for the worst of times. Still, surviving doesn’t always equal living. Humans can only exist for so long without having any fun. Fortunately, plenty of outdoor activities can improve your survival skills while allowing you to enjoy life and fight boredom. They allow you to enjoy the prepping experience. Let’s look at some of the best outdoor activities for preppers hoping for a good time. They allow you to be one with nature, bond with your buddies and even contribute to your survival. Best Outdoor Activities for Survivalists Here are some…
If you are an avid prepper, disaster preparedness will definitely include readiness for a nuclear and chemical attack. These events are rare, but you cannot overlook their possibility, specifically in the prevailing volatile circumstances. Even newbie preppers are more conscious about prepping for a nuclear disaster because the threat is more real than ever. The magnitude of the risks that follow these events can be far more daunting than you imagine. The survival scenario during such disasters is far more complex than in other events such as earthquakes, floods, cyclones, wars, and terrorist attacks. Surviving a blast and the fallout…
There are mainly three types of bows that archers use: recurve, compound, and crossbow. Each comes with its perks and disadvantages. Have you seen archery in the Olympics? Then you’ve probably seen the bows that the archers use. These are called compound bows. Don’t they look amazing? If you have decided on getting a compound bow to start practicing archery after watching them shoot incredible shots, then you should know what you need to avoid doing with your compound bow. You’ll be thanking yourself later. What Is a Compound Bow? A compound bow is used in modern archery for target…
Many disasters that befall people and homes can be mitigated with some basic preparation. Every homeowner and family should have a disaster preparedness kit, complete with food and water, medications, flashlights, batteries, and an emergency tool or two. As it may seem like a bit much, there are some tools that no prepper should be without. Whether you’re preparing for a natural disaster, an economic collapse, or just a sudden power outage, there’s no way to tell what situation you might find yourself in. The trick to being prepared is not only having them but knowing how to use your…
Experiencing trauma in the form of natural and other disasters is something no child should go through without adult supervision. Even then, the long-term memories and effects this can manifest in your kids cannot be anticipated. According to Science Daily research, kids can recall memories tracking back to as early as two-and-a-half years of age, whether they’re positive or negative. This means that even when you help your kids cope with a disaster successfully, there may be lingering effects from the experience there to haunt them. Here is what you can do to make overcoming traumatic disasters easier for your…
No matter where you live, there are a number of things you can do right now to get ready for the off-grid life. One of the most important things to consider when living off-grid is power. If you live far from grid-connected resources, power can be pretty tough to come by, making it one of the top priorities. To get you started, here are some helpful power tips for off-grid living. What is off-grid living? An off-grid residence is one that is disconnected from the electrical grid and does not have a connection to a town or regional water supply.…
When supply chains become broken, those that rely on crucial medications could be in big trouble. Stockpiling vital medications should be an integral part of preparing your home for a disaster. You may have enough of your prescription medications to last you for a month in most cases. But what happens after that if you don’t have access to a pharmacist? It’s not only prescription medications that you should focus on. If there is a critical emergency, your family will need to rely on more over-the-counter medications than what you currently have in your medicine cabinet. Whether you need to…
An AR15 rifle is considered by many to be their “go-to” rifle. Whether you are hiking and going hunting, keeping a gun with you for protection, or going to the range for practice or competition, there are a few spare AR-15 parts you should always have on hand for your AR-15. After all, there is an old prepper adage, that “one is none.” Redundancy should always be built into any preparedness plan to account for unexpected failures or events. From having the optics you desire to the upper receiver you need, there will always be something more you need to…
The holiday season is approaching, and you’re probably about to spend more time indoors this year with the ongoing pandemic. Are you looking for ideas to make your indoor time worthwhile this holiday season? Watching some good movies while curling up on the couch and munching some popcorn can be a great idea to spend a cozy wintery night but men and women usually have different preferences when it comes to movies. If you’re expecting an argument with your partner on the choice of movie, try some of these survival films. We have picked some of the best survival movies…
A laser bore sighter is an amazing accessory to have on your gun for improving your shooting accuracy. However, you should understand that although a laser bore sighter is supposed to help improve your accuracy, it doesn’t mean that it will zero your gun in and hit the bullseye right away. Instead, a laser bore sighter will provide you with a reference point for you to start sighting your gun so you can make more accurate shots. It might be very tempting to just get a laser bore sighter right after you get your scope, but we would not recommend…
Deer hunting involves a pinch of luck and a pound of skill. Like all abilities, deer hunters must continually hone their crafts by practicing and learning. While some hunters bag a twelve-point on their first attempt, the most successful hunters know what brings deer to them. Fortunately, successful deer hunters are happy to share their knowledge so newbies can become better faster. Here are ten tips for improving the success of your next whitetail deer hunting venture. Zero in on scent control Deer have a nose that detects the most subtle scents. Deer in the wild find human smells like…
In an emergency, you never know what will happen. Most people don’t know what they’ll find when disaster strikes because not many of us have lived through a real disaster. That’s no excuse to not prepare though and the old mantra is that it’s better to be safe than sorry. A good emergency preparedness checklist can help. But before you can begin worrying about a checklist, there is a lot of thought and consideration that must be done first. Any generic emergency preparedness checklist off the internet might have some good ideas but could be totally mismatched for you in…
Preparing to start living off the grid is not as simple as most people think. They think that all they need to do is move to some land in a secluded place, build a shelter, get some source of power maybe through the use of solar panels, and get a source of water. They can then start life with domestic animals such as cows, goats, and pigs and life goes on. However, this is far from the truth. Living off the grid requires a lot of preparation, planning, and work to make life easier. Once you begin to live off-grid,…
The last few years have been pretty damned frightening. Obviously, it was the COVID-19 pandemic that grabbed the big headlines, and while it did shake us all up for a while I’m almost grateful for it. Why? Well, it almost made us forget about the flurry of extreme weather events we have seen in the last few years, the precarious state of western democracy, the risks to the banking system, and the rising likelihood of a third World War within the next decade. The state of the world in 2021 has got a lot of us very worried. While Doomsday…
Getting the right rifle scope can be quite a challenge. If you are a novice shooter, you may be completely confused as to which one to buy. And this situation still doesn’t change if you are a pro, as you still will be offered a wide variety of options that you can buy to upgrade your rifle. However, if you own a .308 rifle, you can read this page as it can help you in finding the best rifle scope that matches your preference. You may be wondering if getting a scope is really worth the money and stress of…
Even though everything in nature is simple, preparing for an outdoor activity is not. There are a billion things to sort out before embarking on a nature adventure, one of which is the gear. Firstly, you must understand the importance of the quality of your outdoor gear. The quality of your gear is your shield against all dangers that nature poses. Safety should always come first when picking and choosing your gear. If you want to be in nature, you must be prepared to live by its rules. And its rules are harsh most of the time, especially when people…
Find out what survival and prepper books add value, which ones you should read in your prepping journey, and how they can help you become better prepared for any situation. Want to know how to survive? One of the best ways to learn is by reading the right books. Survival and prepper books are great because they give you all of the information you need to prepare for any scenario. They help people prepare for natural disasters, economic collapse, terrorist attacks, solar flares, nuclear fallout, and so much more. With so many books around, it may be hard to know…
Introduction Some like to spend time in the great outdoors, while others are preparing for a time where the basics are all we will have to rely on. Whatever the case, it is important to know the basic principles of survival, especially if you’re just getting started in outdoor ventures. First and foremost, it is most important to remain calm, no matter what the situation is. When you’re calm, you can think clearer and make more rational decisions. You will also be able to remember these simple outdoor survival tips. #1: How to Find a Water Source Water is an…
What differentiates the Vortex Viper and Vortex Venom? Let us have a look! Optical advancements have aided shooters in strengthening and refining their aim. As a result, red dot sights also referred to as red dot optics, are among the most popular choices on the market today. They are typically compact electronic sight devices that produce a dot-shaped reticle to indicate where your bullets should fall. They are so popular because they enable rapid target acquisition. They provide a sight image far faster than a flash front sight picture and are very precise. Two popular red dot sights are the…
You never know when venturing out into the wilderness can take a turn for the worse, which is why the number one rule is to come prepared for the worst. Since packing three weeks worth of food and a parka for an overnight summer backpacking trip isn’t feasible, plan on keeping your equipment limited to what’s going to be the most valuable and versatile. When it comes to outdoor adventure, having a survival knife that is sharp and durable should be a staple in your gear lineup. If you’re unfamiliar with the many uses of a knife beyond whittling away…
Any avid outdoor adventurer knows that proper preparation is the key to making the most of your time outdoors. Even when things don’t go to plan, being equipped with the right equipment and knowledge, will allow you to deal with the unexpected in more productive ways. When it comes to outdoor skills, you will learn much of them through experience, but there are certain skills that you can actively acquire either by engaging with various online resources or enrolling in courses. Another way to prepare yourself for the outdoors is by speaking to other more experienced outdoor adventurers about what…
What Are the Most Essential Survival Products? What are the most essential survival products to pack before going on a long trek or leaving your home in the event of an emergency or survival situation? The reality is that any of us could become a victim of a natural disaster and need survival gear to live. Most people do not consider natural disaster survival tools as necessities, but these products can prove to be invaluable in case of an emergency. Water and food are the two essential survival products you should take with you. If you live in a region…
If you are a prepper or survivalist, keeping binoculars with you is a must. Read the article to understand more about binoculars and use them more frequently. When preparing for any survival situation, binoculars might not be often found on your equipment list. However, you need to seriously consider keeping one around as they are exceptionally useful for any kind of survival scenario. You will find them useful enough for hunting animals to scouting missions. Let’s go through the discussion below to understand and discover more about binoculars and how to use them appropriately. Binoculars for Preparedness A prepper must…
Living off-grid has become a trend these past years. The possibility of doomsday and global warfare has prompted several people to reinvent their kind of living. Some of them chose this just for fun, while others have embraced off-the-grid living for good. Preppers, environmentalists, and anyone tired of electricity and high technology-packed up and lived their off-the-grid dreams. Some of them started to build homesteads away from the comfort of their cities. They start survival gardens and raised small farm animals for redundant food security. On the other hand, not all survivalists chose to live in a fixed location. Many…
Many of you have been affected by this season’s wildfires. If you live in an area at risk of bushfires then you need to create a plan today to protect your home if possible. At the very least, you will want to protect your life. It doesn’t matter whether the property in a bushfire area is your permanent home or a place you have built to retreat to in the event of a major disaster. The aim is the same, to do what you can to reduce grassfire risk at the property so you are protected as much as possible…
Over the last twenty years, there has been a dramatic increase in people concerned and investigating what would happen if the grid failed, as well as apocalyptic events. The simple truth is that the power grid is surprisingly fragile. Although everyone depends on it and assumes it will just work, there are many natural and unnatural disasters that can destroy the grid, leaving you without power for a long time. At that point, the focus is on survival and most people already know you stand the best chance of survival away from the cities. In short, you need to get…
Are you thinking about having a go at off-grid living? The thought runs through the minds of most working adults, especially city dwellers, at one time or another. But the fact is that only a small percentage of people go through with their wishes and make the transition. For all sorts of reasons, whether it’s non-cooperation of a spouse, inability to keep one’s job after the move, fear of what it might be like to live a non-mainstream lifestyle, or something else, the majority of working adults usually ditch the idea at one point or another. Unfortunately, many of them…
It has been on my list of things I should probably know how to do and when my stepfather, who keeps bees, brought me seven pounds of beeswax from his hives, I thought the time was right.