What if every stranger you encounter represents a potential or real threat to the safety of your family and/or to your community, whether large or small? If that happens, who can you trust?
Author: Bolo
Many Prepper and survivalist websites contain an abundance of material about the likelihood of gun confiscation in the aftermath of a major disaster. The general premise is that government agencies and/or military units will be going door to door after a declaration of martial law to forcibly deprive you of weapons and ammunition. You resist – you die or end up in a prison cell on the backside of some undocumented FEMA camp in the middle of nowhere, or so the theory goes. Unfortunately, the distinction between local or regional disasters, such as a hurricane or earthquake, and a wider…
Editor’s Note: This article has been generously contributed by Bolo. As in his other articles, Bolo shares incredibly useful tips that preppers can use to give themselves an advantage in a bad situation. If you are forced to Bug Out, will you have the most powerful information about your route possible? Will you be able to take detours, recognize risks and avoid pitfalls if needed? Bolo shares how you can use simple tools that are free to anyone along with GPS units to give you “eye in the sky” intelligence that could help you stay alive if you are forced…
Editor’s Note: This article is another excellent read that has been generously contributed by Bolo. Bolo discusses the importance of training not from the aspect of crucial skills you need, but experience and comfort with the stress you will possibly feel if you are ever called to use your training in a SHTF event. Thanks to Egbert Throckmorton1 for the inspiration he provided in his recent article titled “How to Overcome the Paralysis of Fear.” While he focused on the criminal aspect of day-to-day life, this post will delve into fears that can affect your ability to cope with…
Editor’s Note: This article is another excellent read that has been generously contributed by Bolo. Bolo’s latest is a companion piece to his earlier series on knowing when to bug out. One of his motivations for writing this article was a question from a reader named Stephanie. After reading the last series, Stephanie was looking for additional information about the hazards of bugging out. As he always does, Bolo has again provided an extremely detailed, logical and well thought out analysis of the risks of bugging out taken from his own real world experience. In my last article, Hard Decisions:…
Editor’s Note: This article is the second in a two-part series that was generously contributed by Bolo on knowing when to bug out. In this second article, Bolo continues laying out a large number of triggers that could signal to you that it may be time to gather the family, pack up your bug out bags and leave everything behind for your family’s safety. When that day comes will you know when it’s time to go? Will you be ready? If you missed it, you can read part one here. What Are Your Bug Out Triggers? In Part 1, we…
Editor’s Note: This article was generously contributed by Bolo. It is the first of a two-part series on knowing when to bug out. In this series Bolo will lay out a large number of triggers that could signal to you that it is time to pack up your bug out bag and leave everything behind for your family’s safety. When that day comes will you know when to go? Will you be ready? What Are Your Bug Out Triggers? What conditions would have to exist for you to decide that you had to abandon your home; that remaining there…
Editor’s Note: This article was generously contributed by Bolo and he discusses the merits of expanding your bug out bag concept to include your vehicle. This past weekend I completed a quarterly inventory of the gear that constitutes my ‘bug out’ bag. I should probably qualify that term since, in reality, a 4WD truck serves as a full-time rolling get-home-bug-out platform. This is an approach to prepping that may not work for everyone, and that’s okay. It is important to each of us that we develop a system we are personally comfortable with; one that best utilizes the assets, space…
Editor’s Note: This article is the fifth and final article in an incredibly detailed discussion on the important considerations you may have to make if you are bugging out and on the run. The entire series has been generously contributed to the readers of the Prepper Journal by Bolo. In it, he has clearly laid a foundation of training for how the average prepper like you and me can learn simple but effective methods to employ if you find yourself on the run. By following his instruction and covering your tracks the right way, you may avoid detection and save…
Editor’s Note: This article is the fourth in what can only be called a technical discussion on the subject of covering your tracks that has been extremely generously contributed by Bolo. This article continues where Part 3 left off in discussing how you can dress for concealment when you are avoiding detection, potentially in a SHTF scenario. For anyone who has considered the sobering thoughts of running from hostile forces as I know many of us have, this series by Bolo is a deep wealth of knowledge that we can all benefit from immensely. Dress for the occasion There have…
Editor’s Note: This article is the third in a very detailed series that has been generously contributed by Bolo. This article continues where Part 2 left off in discussing how you can move through environments without leaving signs that you were there. This could come in handy if you are fleeing from people who are trying to track you. Minimizing Your Trail We have, thus far, introduced five different types of sign that can be used to track and locate a group on the move. Without trying to throw you a curve, there is a sixth type that just…
Editor’s Note: This article is the second in a series that has been generously contributed by Bolo. This article continues where Part 1 left off in discussing how you can move through environments without leaving signs that you were there. This could come in handy if you are fleeing from people who are trying to track you. In Part One of this series I introduced some of the issues that can place your group at risk of detection when on foot and on the move. In Part Two, we will cover the remaining four types of ‘sign’ that can…
Editor’s Note: This article has been generously contributed by Bolo and brings up another interesting subject. What if you were forced to flee and needed to avoid detection at all costs? Would you know how to prevent a professional tracker from finding you and possibly your family or survival group? This is the first in a multi-part series on how to cover your tracks and escape detection when you are forced to move on foot. If your life is on the line, some of these skills could be a huge advantage in the right scenario. Introduction There may be a…
Editor’s Note: This article has been generously contributed by Bolo. Introduction “When the system breaks down, we all break down.” – Sgt. Barnes – Platoon Tactical camping is a great way to develop and sharpen many essential survival skills. But, beyond these skills there is a particular discipline that needs to be practiced; one that will improve your ability to travel through unfamiliar or potentially unfriendly territory during dangerous times if circumstances should require it. Most people don’t think about evading detection because their day to day lives don’t depend on it. To my way of thinking, there are three…
Editor’s Note: This is the second part of a two-part article that was generously contributed by Bolo. In case you missed it, you can read the first part here. These two articles cover a wide spectrum of information on the subject of abandoned mines. As I mentioned yesterday, these mines could provide survival shelter and security opportunities in a SHTF scenario. Bolo outlines in great detail the safety precautions and other considerations you would have to make before relying on a method like this, and today discusses Caching supplies for use in a SHTF scenario, how to locate suitable candidates…
Editor’s Note: This is the first of a two-part article that was generously contributed by Bolo. It covers an amazing amount of information on the subject of abandoned mines. For the adventurous soul, abandoned mines could provide survival shelter and security opportunities in a SHTF scenario. Bolo outlines in great detail the safety precautions and other considerations you would have to make before relying on a method like this, but the concept is incredibly interesting. Introduction: What lured the early settlers and adventure seekers to the vast territory of the American West? In a word: Gold. Early exploitation of minerals…