With the interest in the preparedness lifestyle growing at an explosive rate, one important skill is often brushed aside: reloading ammunition.
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Articles and useful information on the Prepper Journal shared by hundreds of readers in our Prepper Writing contest.
AGAIN Preppers you get to cast your votes for the “best articles” published in The Prepper Journal over the last…
The Polls at The Prepper Journal have closed! The results have been tabulated and yet AGAIN no Russian interference has…
Today, as I begin my studies on prepping, I realize the importance of knowing some basic weather forecasting. After all, the worst natural disasters in America are weather related.
I – more so than a lot of people involved in this – have dealt with A LOT of other preppers face to face and I want to talk about the patterns that I have seen form over the years.
No one has to do everything…but everyone must do something….It’s better to light a candle than to curse the dark.
Whether you are using a pocket knife to cut rope, a shovel or hoe to cultivate plants, or a skinning knife to dress your game, they are all guaranteed to dull with repeated use.
I have compiled a selected few topics I think people should reevaluate in their lives and make and give yourself a prepping reality check.
Not only do the masses USUALLY get things right in aggregate, but it can make your life easier in the long run to just go with the crowd.
The true solution is to have many copies of your important data stored locally, updated frequently, and maintained in a Faraday cage in case of an EMP attack.
Below are some of the wilderness safety tips women can put in place to be safe. Some of the tips revolve around things women may have been doing before, in preparation, not while faced with danger.
If things are bad enough that you need a survival kit, I’d want something substantially better.
For us it was the combination of hearing about the increasing devastation of more natural disasters in the U.S. and abroad, and seeing how many people lost their jobs and homes during the economic recession.
Knowledge weighs nothing and you always have it on you. People often try to buy their way out of a problem, but skills are built through habit and time.
Wanna know the secret to becoming a better shooter? Actually, there is no secret, but dry fire, can significantly increase a persons shooting ability.
You may be wondering what to put in your own medical bag or if you are forgetting anything so I’ve provided my own list to help get you started.
With about $300 to $400 invested in reloading equipment, all those hundreds or even thousands of once fired brass casings can be reloaded for a tremendous savings over buying factory new ammunition.
I have felt an urgent need, from the birth of each child, to make sure that they are prepared for the many possibilities that may occur in their lifetimes.
Even if you are not a woman, including female hygiene items in your prepping is still a great idea!
You need to make sure if your family is with you can survive for a short time period while getting to your home or to a survivable situation
Good health is more valuable than gold but is ignored until it is no longer there.
You have a gold coin that you paid $1100 for back when the world was still somewhat sane. Do you offer that coin for a loaf of bread? 100 loaves or a years supply?
A lights out, no power debacle for an extended period of time is going to result in total chaos in any community.
A possibility that a computer could become aware of itself and the world, create a disdain and severe lack of need for humans, and eradicate us form the Earth.
You have a moral obligation to be prepared in case of a crisis. In general, there are countless reasons to be prepared for emergency scenarios.
Whether you find yourself locked down with martial law or even a war-zone, you need to be prepared to travel the old-fashioned way: by foot.
I’m willing to bet that it will be considered as valuable a currency as any other! Heck, it practically is now.
Using only what is available to from the natural surroundings and what small amount of belongings you have, it’s time to construct one of the oldest tools used by hunters, the bow and arrow.
Historically speaking, booby traps do not win wars. They are, however, considered a key element in psychological warfare.
Survival assured by matching one’s skills and ability to adapt to the problems at hand. The problem will be whatever threatens our well-being and existence.