Looking ahead deer season is at best six (6) months away, but being prepared is never out of season and 6 months of practice never hurt anyone. So, whether you are an experienced deer hunter or simply a novice to the woods, the following tip will help you hone your skills for more success this coming season. What is That Smell? We humans may love our scents, perfumes and body washes but so do the creatures of the forest. People have between 5-6 million olfactory glands in our noses, rabbits have over 100 million, deer have 297 million while most…
Author: Wild Bill
Scott Huntington offers the following tips on improving your shooting skills. A firearm is only as effective as its owner. To wield it under pressure, you have to practice to perfect your form. Otherwise, you’ll find it challenging to hit your target with any degree of accuracy, which can prove dangerous in a life-or-death situation where you have to incapacitate an aggressor. Here’s everything you need to know, including the fundamentals of operating your weapon. This actionable advice for improving your technique will help you become a better shooter one step at a time. Practice the Proper Grip A strong…
There is a popular meme that states “the best place to hide a body is on Page 2 of a Google Search results” and this has proven to be true, trust me, I use a number of search engines every day and sometimes your would be surprised at what you find past the ones who have done their SEO homework AND paid a fee to get that premier spot on the results page. Positively surprised in this case which was unexpected. In looking at a site run by Grizzly Tarps of Azusa California, B.Air.com, I found a number of pretty…
A sponsored post from Scopes Field to The Prepper Journal about how to choose the best rifle scope. Their take on taking some of the guess work out of the process. guessing. Their step-by-step scope guide you’ll need to read. What is the best scope for you? Nobody really knows because everyone has different uses for a rifle scope. Some people hunt in the outback of Australia while others hunt in subzero, arctic temperatures. Different environments require a different kind of rifle scope. So, there’s no such thing as ‘the best rifle scope in the world.’ It doesn’t exist. Sorry.…
The end of the complacent world where others control their fate is staring the United Kingdom in the face and the stories of their leap into prepping are lessons for us all. What happened to the Empire upon which the Sun never set? In 1973 they joined the European Union and ostensibly gave up their sovereignty to the bureaucrats of Brussels, the first real “one-world” government experiment. And now that the generations of Britain’s who have never lived without the shadow of Brussels over them have reached their age of rational thought the panic of being responsible for themselves is setting in and…
Editor’s Comment: A guest post from James Nelson at Hunting Research to The Prepper Journal. While we know the short answer to the title James provides some interesting insight. Hunting has a large part to play in American culture and history. It was mainly done as a means to provide the family with food, clothing and shelter. Today, hunting is known as a classic American sport. However, there are some time-tested hunting tips you should keep in mind. You can read this hunting guide to understand how hunting should be done, and you can get some golden old-school hunting tips…
Editor’s Note: A contribution for Caitlyn Bell to The Prepper Journal. Injuries are a part of life! Adventure and injuries are two sides off the same coin and what we mean, you will understand right after your first trip. They say when you begin with something new, you will fall but what matters is how you get up again and move ahead with greater courage! The same thing implies to adventure sports and outings. And well! What is a trip good for, if you do not have injury marks telling stories of your fantastic time and exemplary courage! Injuries can…
So exactly what is ‘social distance’? It you ask the professionals in the Public Health sector, it means keeping your distance when you are sick and from people who appear to be sick. Simple, however not everyone who is sick appears to be sick. And those same Public Health professionals are in the business of being exposed to the sick. It goes with the territory. We tend to avoid people displaying obvious symptoms of a contagion, the normal coughing, sneezing, watery red and puffy eyes, or wearing a medical mask (we don’t care it if it is for their protection…
Editors Note: Another guest contribution from Scott Hamilton to The Prepper Journal. Always an interesting prospective and I know Scott would freely admit a couple of these can be exceedingly lethal. Home defense is something that should be on the back-burner of everyone’s mind. Even if you don’t ever need to break out your home defense weapons, it’s better to have them and not need them, then to find yourself in need and not be able to defend yourself. Let’s take a look at some of the best non-lethal weapons for home defense because a gun isn’t always the answer to your…
Scheduled: U.S. Government Shutdown, Take 2 Date: 16 February 2019 The Players: Our elected representatives, The President and the 116th Congress; +/- 800,000 non-essential government employees; the American taxpayers The three (3) week respite from the games being played with peoples lives ends on or about Saturday, February 16, 2019. I searched the Las Vegas Odds Makers to get the betting line on if it will indeed shut down again but they are too busy with Super Bowl this week. Without getting into the root causes, mainly because I am not qualified to lecture on mental illness, The Prepper Journal…
I have my own “Rule of Three” that I subscribe to, and that is anything that has three (3) or more moving parts requires that you actually follow the basic rule too many of us ignore: Add to this a tool that also operates as a result of a controlled explosion and that can cause injury or death when used for its intended purpose, and most people can see the logic in my rule, learned from some serious instructors. And an adjunct to the rule for me is “seek professional help.” When you can find endless videos of mistakes or…
It appears winter has reared its mighty head across a wide swath of North America this past week and The Prepper Journal has some ideas as to some tech that can help weather the onslaught, and its aftermath. Cabin fever is a real thing and it can quickly set in, and as preppers it is something to be understood because it doesn’t need a winter storm to rear its ugly head, just isolation in a confined space with others, like in a bug-in scenario in a disaster, a hunker down situation where exposure will bring unwanted company, or even just…
I tried to see if someone is credited with originating the term “cooler heads will prevail.” I found no one credited but it has been around for quite awhile. George Washington is even quoted in the meme below as saying “Truth will prevail”: But I found that on the internet, and we all know that to be an impeachable source. And of course the internet is littered with pundits using the term for all sorts of situations, all with a general underlying theme, either the lack of willingness to compromise and move off their own dead center, or a way of…
As preppers we are always planning, sowing, like the ants as opposed to the grasshoppers of urban lore. And having grown up in the formerly golden state of California my life experiences always draw me back to her history, which I became interested in while hunting and skiing in the Eastern Sierra’s. A place of magnificent beauty and raw history 5 hours by car from the sprawling metropolis of Los Angeles, really 50+ towns piled together looking for a unifying identity (still.) And her most famous story of the failure not so much to prepare as to know what your are…
Have you ever taken a map, a paper one, marked your home’s location and gone through it with great care and made an area threat/asset map? If there were a natural disaster, a SHTF or TEOTWAWKI event is there an earthen dam up-slope from your home? A chemical plant that could be up-wind? A zoo or animal shelter in your neighborhood, one with exotic animals? A prison or jail? Half-way houses for sex offenders, drug rehab facilities? This could be an excellent family preparedness exercise – get everyone a map and give them the rules – first mark the exact…
This is another subject I have wrestled with publishing. Like so many realities in the world it isn’t pretty, it isn’t politically correct (something I have a low opinion of because it has had unintended consequences since it first appeared in the United States in the 1930’s in the literature of the then growing U.S. Communist Party.) I believe in fairness, inclusion and equal opportunity to all, like most every American patriot does, it is a part of our national character in spite of how the media tries to portray us. But as a publisher I am troubled to have to…
Editors Note: A guest contribution from Soma Chakrabotry to The Prepper Journal. One I have been wrestling with for some time as regular followers will remember. A touchy subject perhaps in a world overrun with PC morality in the place of a backbone but one that has merit and deserves to be aired, and preparing our families for the realities of the real world is basic to prepping and corporal punishment reflects the realities of the real world, the one outside of the internet, video games system, safe-spaces, and the make-believe of TV and the movies. When I was 11 years old I…
The Prepper Journal has posted a number of articles on the coming of drones to our daily lives and if you put your ear to the west wind, and have really excellent hearing, the buzz from Australia is getting louder and louder. Alphabet, Inc., the holding company that owns Google, is using Australia’s capital city as a test bed for that which we all saw coming – delivery by drone of almost anything that does’t exceed the lift capacity of the craft. Wings, the Google company is actively doing testing by delivering everything from hot chocolate (in aerodynamic containers) to sunblock…
Editors Note: A guest contribution from Wendy to The Prepper Journal. You can never be too careful when it comes to the safety and security of your home and family. Remember, your home is sacred and it’s your sanctuary. You always want to feel safe and protected on your property, but if you leave your home under-protected, you could end up a victim of burglary or even worse. So, just to help you wrap your head around the importance of home security, it’s estimated that more than 2 million burglaries are reported each year in the US. This is nothing to…
Editors Note: A guest contribution from Alex to The Prepper Journal. There is an upside of having a dog alert you and a downside. While we all know the upside of the alert there may be times when you want all, including the dog, to remain silent and Alex provides some insight on how to achieve that with a dog in the house. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share then enter into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase…
This is a disturbing video from this year, in fact this week, in fact yesterday! Well, not really, it is just labeled that way on the internet. It is six (6) months old. The volcano has quieted down enough to where it is no longer news, certainly not as important as what any B-list celebrity tweeted over the past few days on any of a variety of topics. But there are lessons to be learned here still. While we refer to all the islands in the area as “Hawai’i” the Big Island is the one named Hawai’i. And like anywhere…
Editors Note: A guest contribution from SoulzChaos to The Prepper Journal. The article provides a new preppers viewpoint and I have added a number of links to related articles from The Prepper Journal’s archives on the subject that make for an informative review of the subject of communications from a prepping standpoint. If you have information for Preppers that you would like to share then enter into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies! Greetings fellow friends and Preppers, My history… I am no…
Seriously, as preppers how do we prepare for government gridlock? While I need to set the stage this post is ultimately about some steps we can take as preppers as to how to cushion the impact from the ramping up of the blind hate that has defined our media and our government this past decade. It contains some suggestions as to how we might shield our self’s from the actions of the irresponsible that can so profoundly affect every aspect of our lives. How do we insulate our self’s from the actions of others that are intended to obstruct business…
Happy New Year to all from The Prepper Journal! As we leave the Chinese Year of the Dog and move into the Year of the Pig, let us all remember the joys and the trials of the past year, file them away to success or lessons learned and look forward to a year of new hope and opportunity. And while we hope for the best this is not the time to let our guard down, to let our preps dwindle or decrease, but to reaffirm why we prepare. These past two years have seen world-wide upheaval from revolts against globalist…
Editors Note: A contribution from an educator on the development of critical thinking as the primary goal of the educational process. As preppers we must always be learning and teaching those who will one day hold positions of responsibility. Positions that will impact our lives and the lives of those we care about most. While this article is directed at those perhaps still “learning how to learn”, its has a powerful message for us all. Critical thinking is an opportunity to assess the way you form thoughts and offer evidence for your ideas instead of blindly believing that your position, regardless…
Editors Note: Did a shutdown happen? Or did the never-ending circus in Washington D.C. continue with business as usual, $10,000,000,000 earmarked as aid to Mexico and Central America, and no funding for a Border Wall, or security? (Those nations need our $10,000,000,000 for what exactly? And it is an emergency because? I am fuzzy on all this.) Was it the same “next time” argument fed to a populace numb from government inaction? The Prepper Journal is winging it’s way away for the Christmas Holiday and while I will look this morning, I will do my best to tune out the on-going nightmare…
Editors Note: I posted a contributed article from Jay Chambers of Minute Man Review on gun safety on another site back in September, and I will include a link to that posting at the end of this article. I want to sincerely thank Jay for that article and I respect his goals and reasoning for its content. I have re-written it here to bring it more in line with our audience as most preppers are very safety conscious with weapons and know the potential for accidents is always present. Knowing that is the very first step in being safe when handling guns. I am stating…
Editor’s Note: Tis’ the Season after all. The Prepper Journal’s stocking stuffer’ suggestions for that Prepper who has Everything. Here are this years suggested stocking fillers for every prepper, and from real preppers! Water Purification From tablets to straws no prepper should be without one, in fact no prepper should not have redundancy, other options to provide the same essential – safe drinking water. Or to be shared: Clean and safe water couldn’t be more important, and they fit so nicely in Christmas stockings. First Aid Every prepper has a first aid kit, if not several, in their home, vehicles…
Being well fed, hydrated, strong both mentally and physically are things every prepper must strive for in their normal routine. But what happens when it comes to sleeping? If you’re a prepper and if you believe (no matter how strong you are) that you can endure any challenge with three (3) to four (4) hours of sleep, you may be setting yourself up for trouble. There are people who can do this, but assuming you are one and that this is healthy and will keep your edge may be a fool’s folly. I for one have taken the 12 hours…
You don’t have to hang up your hiking gear just because the temperatures are dropping. Hiking in the winter can be a great way to test your mettle and explore a literal winter wonderland. If you’re planning on heading out to hike, here is a comprehensive list of everything you need to survive a winter hiking trip. Keep in mind that we’re not talking about an afternoon hike though – this is a list of things that you’ll need to survive a more extreme winter hike. Stay Warm This might be a given, but it’s essential, so it merits mentioning.…