Are you confident that you are all set and that your SHTF plan is bulletproof?…
Drink mixes can check a lot boxes for us in both prepper pantries and bug-out/evac situations. Electrolyte drinks, vitamin…
Emergency food bars are commonly talked about in the prepper and survivalist world as an alternative to meals and…
Many of us consider our preps – from spare boots and cold-weather gear to our…
It’s not about the mental and emotional health. It’s about the balance. When wheels are balanced, we roll much more smoothly through life’s up and downs and this exercise will show if the rest of our preparedness needs and goals are in balance.
A week after women were cleared to serve in combat, perhaps that isn’t the exact…
Editor’s Note: Another guest submission from Zac Martin. The subject of Ham communications has been…
If we want security in an SHTF scenario, then we need to know more about the threats. What we need is real-time intelligence gathering.
Normally, having our attention diverted to “something else”—even if it’s only to a voice in cyber-space—is “no big deal”
Each year as the weather gets cooler and the leaves start to fall, I along…
People have been saying the US is on course for an economic collapse for years; however, several economists anticipate the US will default on its debt if the country does not change its fiscal policies.
You should be riding around with survival gear in your vehicle. Period. But just in…
Editors Note: The following article has been generously contributed to our community by Bobcat-Prepper. The…