If you are new to Prepping, then you have come to the right place. The…
Today we will discuss 10 must have natural remedies that will could offer comfort and healing when the possibility of modern medicine is gone.
I – more so than a lot of people involved in this – have dealt with A LOT of other preppers face to face and I want to talk about the patterns that I have seen form over the years.
Chickens are birds after all and some can fly a pretty good way. If you…
Whether we’re buying disaster food kits or building our emergency pantry one bag and can…
Editor’s Note: This post is another entry in the Prepper Writing Contest from Saffron. We…
Survival books are what started me on my path to prepping. For a long time…
On first glance you may say “Good! What do the greedy bankers need more banks…
For many preppers, a firearm is a must-have item for everyday life not to mention…
Editors Note: Another guest contribution from Scott Hamilton to The Prepper Journal. Great time of year to…
Although some are quick to write off an air rifle as a weapon of choice, there are many advantages to carrying an air rifle versus a crossbow or center-fire rifle.
A shotgun is effective for hunting and there is not much which would be better at defending yourself from man or beast at close range.
Yesterday, November 6, 2018 is the newest day that will “live in infamy” in the…