Many of you are familiar with the nearly famous books “Where There Is No Doctor”…
Editors Note: Another guest contribution from R.Ann Parris to The Prepper Journal. As always, if you have information for Preppers…
Surviving on the road is something every prepper dreads. But, it’s necessary in case of a major disaster or…
Why leave a perfectly good home, one with an emergency generator, water, and food stored,…
Have you ever found yourself helpless before? In a helpless situation, you may have the…
When it comes to planning for the end of the world as we know it,…
A guest post from Megan Ray Nichols. When things go down, you’ll need to be…
A “bug out” bag, also known as BOB, is a portable kit containing items required…
I am always refining my prepping plans and the associated tools and gear I think…
Preppers should have a plan for dealing with violent people who unconstrained by threat or…
What I wanted to do was create a simple bug out bag checklist you can use to get a jump-start at building your own bug out bag that has taken into consideration a few of the lessons I already learned when I did this myself.
It is considered axiomatic that “a gun (or three) is a key factor in a…
Even these individuals should consider storing wheat in some measure, and I’ll be discussing the reasons why at the end of this article.