Color me surprised to read what happened on Friday when Virginian Aaron Tobey won his lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA and about 5 other people. Tobey had written an abridged version of the 4th Amendment on his chest and had stripped down to his shorts when he was going through airport security at the Richmond International Airport back in 2010. Tobey didn’t want to go through the advanced imaging technology X-ray machines (naked body scanners) that are now almost ubiquitous at airports nationwide. Instead, when it was his turn to be screened, he was going to…
Author: Pat Henry
For those of you who are maybe living in an occupied portion of America (New York, Chicago, Illinois) and don’t have as many options for protection when SHTF, there is the Crovel. The Crovel (part crowbar, part shovel) is an invention by Tim Ralston and sells for $109. But wait there’s more! The Crovel has 11 other tools besides the main shovel and crowbar. It has an axe and saw blades on opposite sides of the shovelhead, a hammer, “zombie spikes,”. What no can opener? Source: Buzzfeed This is what Ralston’s customers demand. They don’t just want a shovel with…
This happened a couple days ago but I haven’t heard anything about this in the mainstream media. Surprise!! The simple version is that Italy’s Mote Paschi (BMPS) Bank engaged in derivatives trading to cover their losses on paper when the liquidity in the European Market dried up. This came to light, the head (Mussari) was let go and probably retired to his own private island a zillionaire and everyone who was invested in this bank was left high and dry. We will have to wait and see what the fallout from this is. How does this relate to Prepping? If…
OK, so sometimes you have to take a break and marvel at in the times we are living in. Every once in a while it is necessary to simply relax and just laugh your head off. If you haven’t seen any of the videos by you are missing out. Their latest is a spoof (as they all are) of the President’s inauguration. The video isn’t as funny as some of the Presidential debates (You must check those out) or more recently their blistering send up of the NFL, but it’s still always funny to see what they do. The…
In a sign of what I believe may become more common, gun owners in New York are threatening to defy the recently passed “Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act, or NY SAFE” and in doing so, refuse to register their semi-automatic weapons. This is not so much an act of defiance in my mind as simply standing firm in opposition to tyranny. To say these people are defying the law gives the law some grain of rightness which I don’t think it has. Would you be defying a robber trying to kill you and your family or would you be…
Independent experts with the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), EU’s “official” food watchdog have discovered a previously unknown virus that is present in 54 of the 86 Genetically Modified plants approved for commercial growing and food in the US. The Genetically modified crops are being grown for both human and animal consumption and include Corn and Soy. This virus gene has the possibility of being poisonous to humans. Researchers concluded the the presence of segments of the Virus named Gene VI ‘might result in unintended phenotypic changes’. That cryptic language means that this food we may be eating could be…
Strategic Relocation–North American Guide to Safe Places, 3rd Edition – available at Amazon Author: Joel M. Skousen 400 pages One of the many books I have related to the concepts of Preparedness and Survival is Strategic Relocation. Mr. Skousen is a political scientist, by training, specializing in the philosophy of law and Constitutional theory, and is also a designer of high security residences and retreats. I had heard about Mr. Skousen several years ago when I purchased another of his books The Secure Home which I plan to review later. I purchased my copy of Strategic Relocation in May of…
One common concern for prepping is how you will be able to heat up and cook any food if you don’t have the nice stainless steel range to cook on? You might have a freezer full of the best steaks but they are awful tough eatin (yes that is the correct spelling) if they aren’t cooked to a nice medium rare at a minimum. A great Prep to either have or know how to make is a Rocket Stove. Rocket Stoves were developed by a man named Sam Baldwin back in the early 80’s. What makes them so great is…
One of the less than 3 shows I watch quasi-regularly is Doomsday Preppers. There I said it! This show is in its second season, but I have only been watching since it premiered for the second season in November of 2012. I had heard about the show before and was interested, but never could find the time to watch it. When I saw the previews for the current year I jotted a reminder down on my trusty calendar and made plans to watch this season. Since the first episode I saw I have been trying to determine if this is…
File this under the department of ‘Someone is paying attention out there’. The good guys in blue at the Fontana Unified School District have been given the OK to purchase and store 14 AR’s on premise at several campuses in locked safes. The purpose is that these weapons are to be available to police officers responding to any incident at these campuses. Fontana Police Chief Rodney Jones said “It’s unfortunate that we have to have that, but it’s the best message we can send to anybody that thinks to harm our children. The message we’re sending is…not here, not now,…
Reuters is reporting around 800 children in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe have developed narcolepsy, an incurable sleep disorder, after being immunized with the Pandemrix H1N1 swine flu vaccine made by British drug maker GlaxoSmithKline in 2009. Other countries in Europe are also showing increased rates of Narcolepsy cases and results from a study that is soon to be released seem to show a similar patter said sources who have spoken to Reuters. Not surprisingly, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is stepping back from any indication that there is a problem with their product. According to Norman Begg GSK is “absolutely committed to…