It is estimated that there are over 1.2 million violent crimes and 8.6 million property crimes reported yearly, which makes it even scarier when you think about living in the big city. In today’s world, even the people who live in rural areas have stopped leaving their doors unlocked and are beefing up their home security. If you live in the city, or the country for that matter, it’s important to know some of the best security measures to take to protect you and the family you love. Home Monitoring/Security System While many people don’t feel that a security company…
Author: Laura Johnson
Despite all of the unnatural intervention, there are some reality shows that preppers can get more from than strictly entertainment. These reality shows can help you prep for a disaster.
Whether you’re at home, at work, in a public place, or on vacation, the following tips will help you secure, disguise, hide, or make it easier to track down your stuff.
In other words, are you prepared? Let’s take a quick peek at some of the things that you can do to ensure that when something happens, you will be ready for it.
You don’t need to go off the grid to have these types of alternative energy sources in your home.
Planning for medical emergencies is one of the biggest challenges one faces. This is especially true if the situation will occur with limited outside resources on which to rely.
What has happened to the American psyche? Why has the idea of rugged individualism, a strong mind, and a noble character become unfashionable?
The sole intent is to have a place that is made to stand on its own if humanity were to falter. In this article we will highlight 7 factors to consider if you are looking for the best property for preppers.
As much as you maybe want to believe your email is safe, it’s not… Prying eyes are watching you…