In this article I list some of the most unique ways that some basic survival gear, weapons, and defensive tools can be disguised in items you already wear every day.
Browsing: Preppers
It’s that time of year again; time to over eat and over drink, and wonder where on Earth 2016 went?
This article attempts to cover some of the basic pros and cons of various forms of communication and introduce the reader to some additions that should prove helpful in crisis and bug-out situations.
What could a shotgun do for us in survival situations?
A shotgun is effective for hunting and there is not much which would be better at defending yourself from man or beast at close range.
Selecting good routes is extremely important part of your security planning especially in hostile areas or in times of civil unrest.
Thinking through what we prepare food in can save us labor in various ways. Both can help us prioritize for purchases moving forward.
For most, defense is simply just about the weapons you choose to keep. In reality, self defense is so much more.
Whether it is ourselves, our loved ones, or the friends who will be with us, we will need to know how to take care of each others injuries and illnesses.
You use a method known as instinctive – or point- shooting. Instinctive shooting is simple- you point the gun and pull the trigger.
If many survival groups are mainly made up of people whose only skill set is “providing security” and for some reason you found yourself looking to join a group either now or after a collapse, would you take you?
Wet and miserable some of us were experiencing early signs of hypothermia, and we all desperately wanted to feel some small amount of warmth.
This is my minimum gear I’d have on me if venturing any distance in the Winter season in Southern Ontario away from the home base.
Today I’m going to teach you one way to plan for a vehicle load out. Also I will help you develop a plan to secure the load so you can travel more safety.
Here are some formulas and ideas for turning common storage foods into actual meals, increasing the variety of meals we can make with a few standard ingredients.
An unusual phenomenon is occurring on College Campuses these days. It seems that students are offended by just about everything.
There are stories in Oregon, of instant storms, rain and wind for eons, beautiful country and hypothermia. Meaning rapid condition changes.
You can create a top notch medical kit addition to any bugout bag or kit easily and cheaply.
This thing is what I have needed in my kit for years. It has helped reduce the space in my bug out bag and has a ton of applications.
Ever try to answer all the questions that you ask yourself about how you will survive as a single, senior woman living alone with no family, no spouse, no other support other than yourself?
In fact, flashlights are one of the most useful pieces of prepper gear you can carry on you at all times.
In this part, we will look at some other things to consider before you install your storage shed. And some general lessons learned to keep in mind through the process.
I do like my breads and I do like something sweet now and again, so here’s half a dozen ways we can still get them, even without a working oven or supermarket.
The right to bear arms in America remains strong. But it behooves individual gun owners and employers to keep up with the ongoing legal and political caveats in their respective areas.
You REALLY don’t want all of your prepping supplies in your house. Such as a generator and fuel, oil and vehicle parts, battery banks and so on so building a storage shed makes a lot of sense.
Despite this unprecedented level of data collection and surveillance, there are ways to avoid being tracked and remain anonymous online.
Livestock keeping requires some research. It seems obvious, but it’s apparently not.
What is vital is that you have a RELIABLE vehicle regardless of how modest or basic it is.
So how do you defend yourself using unarmed combat skills if you get stuck in such an unpleasant situation?
There is no one Christian view on any topic and the purpose of this article is not to push one view or another but to provide a perspective that you may not have considered