No one has to do everything…but everyone must do something….It’s better to light a candle than to curse the dark.
Search Results: medicine (218)
What if events, beyond your control, fall upon you and change all you know and expect from life. Do you have a Plan B?
In regards to basic food preparedness it most notably means that it will require more and more food to maintain a healthy nutritious lifestyle.
I have compiled a selected few topics I think people should reevaluate in their lives and make and give yourself a prepping reality check.
Today we will discuss 10 must have natural remedies that will could offer comfort and healing when the possibility of modern medicine is gone.
Using mostly things that are also already in my storage or that are easy and inexpensive to obtain, I can churn out desserts, snacks, sides, dinners and breakfasts that are interesting and varied, and don’t really taste like oatmeal.
It’s the kind of thing in between our normal, everyday life and an actual major disaster that just doesn’t get prepared for all that often.
So prepping for a child with special needs requires some serious thought, and some creativity. Read the following article, for some tips.
We plan on how we will act, what prepping supplies we will need to acquire and we plan how to talk to family members and avoid neighbors. But are you planning to fail? Is what you are doing really a plan at all?
Fortunately, there are a number of self-defense tips and techniques that can level that playing field and allow women to protect themselves and those that they are responsible for protecting.
These natural medical resources can be easily substituted as traditional methods of medication. The plants have capabilities to heal and reduce cholesterol, high blood pressure and arthritis
You may be wondering what to put in your own medical bag or if you are forgetting anything so I’ve provided my own list to help get you started.
Analyzing homestead elements for multi-functionality and redundancy were covered in the first article. This time we’ll look at combining them into multi-function spaces.
Would you like to add off-grid solar to your preps, but think it’s too expensive? I’ll show you how to build an inexpensive system that can grow, as funds become available.
Good health is more valuable than gold but is ignored until it is no longer there.
Survival assured by matching one’s skills and ability to adapt to the problems at hand. The problem will be whatever threatens our well-being and existence.
Whether it is ourselves, our loved ones, or the friends who will be with us, we will need to know how to take care of each others injuries and illnesses.
If many survival groups are mainly made up of people whose only skill set is “providing security” and for some reason you found yourself looking to join a group either now or after a collapse, would you take you?
Today I’m going to teach you one way to plan for a vehicle load out. Also I will help you develop a plan to secure the load so you can travel more safety.
You can create a top notch medical kit addition to any bugout bag or kit easily and cheaply.
Ever try to answer all the questions that you ask yourself about how you will survive as a single, senior woman living alone with no family, no spouse, no other support other than yourself?
The simple fact of the matter is, you can’t survive a natural disaster without preparing for it.
Rather than focusing on building a fortress to defend your supplies it is safer to build a home you can walk away from without compromising your supplies or getting on the wrong end of a gunshot wound.
The Blizzard of ’77 is a prime example of why you should be prepared.
Once reality has set in and people have started to adjust to the new normal, an essential component of rebuilding your immediate community will be the ability to give selfless service to others.
Planning for medical emergencies is one of the biggest challenges one faces. This is especially true if the situation will occur with limited outside resources on which to rely.
I’m going to play devils advocate and attack several of the most common so-called “survival tips” preps so prevalent on the web today. I will even offer a suggestion or two.
By learning about what happened in previous generations, and knowing that history repeats, we can prepare better and avoid making the same mistakes when SHTF again.
What would you do if it was longer than that or you faced a serious crisis that took the world to its knees?
And yet in these periods when death by violence and disease was prevalent, when survival was a constant chore, we find castle gardens within the very walls that were so utilitarian.