Editors Note: Another contribution from R. Ann Parris to The Prepper Journal. As always, if…
Search Results: livestock (175)
Editors Apology: My bad as the article is from R. Ann Parris, it looks like…
Editor’s Note: Another outstanding entry from one of our regular and trusted contributors to The…
Editor’s Note: Another contribution from Xavier, much appreciated. After the SHTF and it stops falling…
Editor’s Note: Another outstanding entry from one of our regular and trusted contributors to The…
Small scale or large, when it comes to the veggies, doing things differently can buy us the time and space to get started or expand our harvests.
We can look at what is most likely to occur in the near future and our lifetimes, and use that information to help us decide where to focus our time, efforts and resources.
Here are a few ways we can cut down on the labor and time of gardening and increase our yields, whether we’re just getting started with some pots or whether we’re ready to expand our production in times of crisis
It’s the kind of thing in between our normal, everyday life and an actual major disaster that just doesn’t get prepared for all that often.
Happily, there are some things that can be salvaged for free or found at very low cost that make a world’s worth of difference.
It has been on my list of things I should probably know how to do and when my stepfather, who keeps bees, brought me seven pounds of beeswax from his hives, I thought the time was right.
Even with some small, modest beds, there are a few tools like hooked three-prong hand cultivators or a small spade that come in handy.
That means adding to the long lists of things we need to do, buy and plan for should our worlds fall apart on either a small scale or a large scale.
When we’re ready to delve into long-term disaster planning, water needs to be a focus. Without water, and a backup plan for water, all the rest of our preparations become null and void.
Whether somebody’s looking at a long-term, widespread, nation-altering event and wants the sustainable source of materials, bamboo has a lot to offer us.
If we evacuate, we need to evacuate our animals.
Sometimes collecting knowledge can be a pricey and time-consuming prospect. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t learn, but we need to prioritize as with anything else.
A disaster is a bad time to lose all of our conveniences in life. There are also some hand powered tools we can pull from the pages of history – and that inspire modern tools – that will help us with our self-reliance.
There’s a lot that winter (or early spring) can tell us about our properties, both for planting decisions, siting various things around our property, and for mitigating some of the weather that comes with winter and spring.
Some of them relate to food production, some to increasing our efficiency, and some are little off-the-wall tasks that don’t get as much attention as they otherwise could.
Analyzing homestead elements for multi-functionality and redundancy were covered in the first article. This time we’ll look at combining them into multi-function spaces.
Stacking functions is a quick term for the concept of planning things (elements) and areas (space) to perform the most services for us.
Managed Livestock Breeding Livestock keeping is one of the things that those interested in self-sufficiency…
Right now, here’s a look at my top five perennials preppers should consider, selected as such due to their versatility for all stages of preparedness.
What are the most important things to consider? In this article I cover some of the requirements of creating your master food plan.
For most, defense is simply just about the weapons you choose to keep. In reality, self defense is so much more.
If many survival groups are mainly made up of people whose only skill set is “providing security” and for some reason you found yourself looking to join a group either now or after a collapse, would you take you?
Ever try to answer all the questions that you ask yourself about how you will survive as a single, senior woman living alone with no family, no spouse, no other support other than yourself?
Food security is already a worry for many of those countries that are striving to meet today’s demands, and the development of new preservation methods that will play an important role in the future is becoming essential
Here’s my list of 8 barter items that end up ignored as barter but that aren’t without merit as backups for our own stockpiles.