Mother nature has been showing her wrath in 2017. There is no hiding from her.…
Search Results: hygiene (121)
Editors Note: In the “spirit” of the holiday, with tongue firmly in cheek, here is…
It’s a mystery in many houses – where in tarnation do the odd socks go?…
If your survival plan doesn’t include a bug out to the forest option, it should, but coming up with a good plan might be more difficult that you think.
I put together this earthquake survival list for those preppers who want to put a bag together and prepare for the possibility that their entire world comes crumbling down around them.
It’s the kind of thing in between our normal, everyday life and an actual major disaster that just doesn’t get prepared for all that often.
When we’re ready to delve into long-term disaster planning, water needs to be a focus. Without water, and a backup plan for water, all the rest of our preparations become null and void.
For us it was the combination of hearing about the increasing devastation of more natural disasters in the U.S. and abroad, and seeing how many people lost their jobs and homes during the economic recession.
Vote for your favorite prepping article in round eight of the Prepper Writing Contest!
You need to make sure if your family is with you can survive for a short time period while getting to your home or to a survivable situation
Here’s my list of 8 barter items that end up ignored as barter but that aren’t without merit as backups for our own stockpiles.
What if this simple bug out vehicle load plan could get your and your family on the road faster?
I’m not saying everybody should run out and buy multiple sets of brand-new bed sheets. For some uses, threadbare and worn are actually better. Used is always acceptable.
The number one thing I prepare for is a POWER OUTAGE when SHTF. Every SHTF series of events, includes the inevitable power outage. In fact, whenever the power goes out, even temporarily, I wonder if SHTF has arrived.
I am talking about the decisions you will make regarding the survival gear and equipment that your larger mutual assistance group is going to use. It is important to standardize on several major pieces of gear if you want to function cohesively as a unit.
It is important that everyone in your family or in your group understands not only the world we live in but also that threatening events can happen in a flash. Will you be prepared?
Sometimes though, even when it’s not a preparedness-related sale, there are things we can stock up on that applies directly to preparing for the worst. Today we talk about how you can save on prepping supplies.
Although food, water and security are definitely necessary to keep you alive, there is one aspect of prepping that is often overlooked and it can hurt even the most knowledgeable and well equipped survivalist.
Catastrophe can strike at any moment. Are you prepared? Are your kids? You need to evaluate your current survival plan and update your emergency preparedness kit. You don’t want to be caught without some of these must have items to survive disaster.
It’s not about the mental and emotional health. It’s about the balance. When wheels are balanced, we roll much more smoothly through life’s up and downs and this exercise will show if the rest of our preparedness needs and goals are in balance.
Growing and storing foods is commonly a goal we strive for as we seek self-sufficiency. The easiest and fastest way to store foods is, of course, just dumping it into a root cellar or grain bin or barn, although not everything does so hot with that treatment.
Using history and modern innovation, we now have a lot of options for keeping our clothes clean, even if we end up off the grid, conserving power, or lacking electricity entirely.
When our society collapses, so to will unlimited access to clean water, quality food, and medical care. Most diseases that have long been eradicated in the developed world will once again rear their ugly heads, and many will die. Preparing now will ensure that we and our loved ones have a better chance of surviving.
Could the lack of a connection with a local prepper network be the missing piece to your family’s survival strategy in a regional or global disaster? Do you feel the need to connect with folks in your building, on your block, in your subdivision or in the same township for mutual support?
In a disaster we all know water is going to be very precious. Water is also one of the hardest things to store. Now is the time to think about ways to get the most out of every drop.
Last week I began a new series called, Back to Basics. As I said in…
I wanted to start a new series on the Prepper Journal called “Back to Basics”.…
Editor’s Note: This post is another entry in the Prepper Writing Contest from Angela Cassidy…
Editor’s Note: This post is another entry in the Prepper Writing Contest from Bobcat-Prepper. In…
One of the most diverse prepper considerations from the standpoint of a long-term disaster is…