Editors Note: Another contribution from R. Ann Parris to The Prepper Journal. As always, if…
Search Results: hiding (106)
Mother nature has been showing her wrath in 2017. There is no hiding from her.…
What’s your survival strategy? A fortified bunker? A well-stocked remote cabin? An armored vehicle that…
Revolvers make an excellent choice as a Concealed Carry Weapon, backup or self-defense piece. Here are seven reasons why the wheel gun excels.
The best way to increase your chances of surviving a venomous snake bite is to have a contingency plan in place.
They are easy to access, could allow you to survive in the jungle, and the best part is they don’t require a long procedure to prepare.
Anyone that drives a vehicle on public roadways uses situational awareness. Unfortunately, for some, it stops when they exit their vehicles.
Without law enforcement as a deterrent to crimes, desperate, opportunistic or even criminally motivated people take to the streets and chaos ensues. When this happens, you have anarchy.
These hobbies for preppers will give you skills that you can use in a survival situation but can also enrich your life right now.
Vote for your favorite prepping article in round eight of the Prepper Writing Contest!
The below personal tactical gear list is taken from a proposal I put together for counterinsurgency / tactical team in West Africa a few years ago, this should give you a few hints on kit etc.
Analyzing homestead elements for multi-functionality and redundancy were covered in the first article. This time we’ll look at combining them into multi-function spaces.
Right now, here’s a look at my top five perennials preppers should consider, selected as such due to their versatility for all stages of preparedness.
There are stories in Oregon, of instant storms, rain and wind for eons, beautiful country and hypothermia. Meaning rapid condition changes.
I do like my breads and I do like something sweet now and again, so here’s half a dozen ways we can still get them, even without a working oven or supermarket.
It is important to be aware of your surroundings for many reasons but the most important is your life could depend on it
Here’s my list of 8 barter items that end up ignored as barter but that aren’t without merit as backups for our own stockpiles.
I’m going to play devils advocate and attack several of the most common so-called “survival tips” preps so prevalent on the web today. I will even offer a suggestion or two.
By learning about what happened in previous generations, and knowing that history repeats, we can prepare better and avoid making the same mistakes when SHTF again.
Normally, having our attention diverted to “something else”—even if it’s only to a voice in cyber-space—is “no big deal”
There may be situations if you are trained and armed when you will have to take aggressive action and counter-attack those who are attacking you.
Here are some basic instructions on how to avoid getting captured if you manage to escape from kidnappers, terrorists or from a location where things have gone very wrong.
You do not have to have expensive patterns to give you good camouflage and concealment, a gray dress shirt and a pair of light khaki pants is way more effective than tactical Tim dressed in SWAT black!
Psychological preparedness is a radically important part of survivalism and might possibly be the determining factor for long term survivalism. In fact, the first step toward getting prepared is making a conscious affirmation to develop a will to live.
One lesson I have learned from my parents and now encourage my children to participate in is being an Outdoorsy Kid. It didn’t matter if it was after school or during the summer time my brothers and I would often hear my mother say “Go play outside.”
One adjustment we may consider would be the benefit of using drones as a necessary piece of equipment for preppers in a true TEOTWAWKI scenario.
What could an emergency response plan for your family look like and where would you start prepping?
I can tell you we’re not all that bad. You may find that it is wiser to couch your actions by going green instead of broadcasting you are a prepper. And sometimes, preppers and greenies are already kind of walking in lock-step. We just don’t always realize it.
Goats can supply milk, meat, hides for clothing and be a work or pack animal if needed. It’s time to look at what the goat has to offer and why I think it is better than a cow.
In the end it all comes down to being able to take the shot, hit your target and move to the next position without being found.