Editors Note: A guest post from VGH to The Prepper Journal. As always, if you…
Search Results: barter (127)
Editors Note: Another guest post from Valknut79 to The Prepper Journal. Try as I might…
Editors Note: Another guest post from Red J to The Prepper Journal. As we mull over…
Editors Note: Another guest post from Red J to The Prepper Journal. Make note that…
The Polls have closed! The results have been tabulated and no Russian interference has been…
Editors Note: A guest contribution from Donnovan Okoth to The Prepper Journal. A different twist…
Editors Note: A first time guest submission from Cody Jarrett, an article on a core…
If your survival plan doesn’t include a bug out to the forest option, it should, but coming up with a good plan might be more difficult that you think.
What if events, beyond your control, fall upon you and change all you know and expect from life. Do you have a Plan B?
Not only do the masses USUALLY get things right in aggregate, but it can make your life easier in the long run to just go with the crowd.
In part two, after some final thoughts on tools, we’ll look at knowledge and skills needed in gunsmithing.
Our vices aren’t necessary to our survival in many cases, but when you cut us off from them, hard times and adjustments just get harder.
One thing that can help is to simplify the shopping list. In some case it’s about paring it down. In other cases, it’s about finding multi-purpose items.
Sometimes collecting knowledge can be a pricey and time-consuming prospect. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t learn, but we need to prioritize as with anything else.
A disaster is a bad time to lose all of our conveniences in life. There are also some hand powered tools we can pull from the pages of history – and that inspire modern tools – that will help us with our self-reliance.
Even if you are not a woman, including female hygiene items in your prepping is still a great idea!
You have a gold coin that you paid $1100 for back when the world was still somewhat sane. Do you offer that coin for a loaf of bread? 100 loaves or a years supply?
What are the most important things to consider? In this article I cover some of the requirements of creating your master food plan.
I’m willing to bet that it will be considered as valuable a currency as any other! Heck, it practically is now.
An unusual phenomenon is occurring on College Campuses these days. It seems that students are offended by just about everything.
Planning for medical emergencies is one of the biggest challenges one faces. This is especially true if the situation will occur with limited outside resources on which to rely.
By learning about what happened, and knowing that history repeats, we can prepare better and avoid making the same mistakes when SHTF again.
I use coupons all the time and I am stockpiling so that my family has food later. I am stocking up to barter but most of the items I got free or for hardly anything.
Knowing how to make homemade wine is probably one of the most important skills to know and master in a post-apocalyptic world if you intend to barter for survival or just escape reality for a couple of hours.
Surviving is just the first step to survival. If you struggle with the basic physical abilities to easily get through some of the things I have discussed above, what good will the 2 years of food, hundreds of gallons of water, or thousands of rounds of ammunition do for you when the shit hits the fan?
Rabbits truly are the “one-size-fits-all” preppers domestic livestock and after reading the reasons why raising rabbits could be ideal for any prepper, we think you will agree.
There’s a really handy tool called a Pearson Square that can help when we decide to feed livestock. Basically, it allows you to reach your desired total protein percentage using sets of known feeds.
When it comes to a portable light, it’s hard to beat something that leaves your hands free and moves around with your eyes. Their cost, usefulness, and weight make them an absolute must-have for preppers.
Psychological preparedness is a radically important part of survivalism and might possibly be the determining factor for long term survivalism. In fact, the first step toward getting prepared is making a conscious affirmation to develop a will to live.
Whatever you believe, one thing is certain – the upcoming election will be the most important one in the last century as it relates to gun control.