If you have been wondering about the safety of your family but didn’t know where…
The tips below will help you begin the process of preparing for the worst day so that you will be better equipped to come through with everyone intact.
Editors Note: Another guest contribution from Gemma to The Prepper Journal.  As always, if you have information for Preppers that…
The bad guys will have put together a mental plan and strategy for attacking you, so shouldn’t you have a plan for dealing with confrontations?
A guest contribution from Ryan to The Prepper Journal. Seemed appropriate today as I am…
Do you feel like there is no reason to start planning now for surviving a…
Firearms have been around for a very long time. People can have a lot of…
If you are like me you don’t have the resources to afford a bug out…
This article originally published on Mother Earth Living As the warm weather lures us away…
If you are an avid prepper, disaster preparedness will definitely include readiness for a nuclear…
Seriously, as preppers how do we prepare for government gridlock? While I need to set…
Or any storm for that matter. Living in certain parts of the world makes extreme…
Each day it seems we are greeted by another plan for government surveillance, under the…