China has a unique and interesting history. Their culture and advances in science are notable as are their experiences in Tibet, the Uyghurs, genocide, Taiwan, Hong Kong, military biotechnology, and Covid-19. Some experts believe that China will be the biggest threat we have to face in the future, but why would they think that? DICTATORS, NOT DYNASTIES Civilization in China is considered to be among the oldest in world history, perhaps second only to the biblical “cradle of civilization” in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq). While we can chronicle the many ‘Dynasties’ in China’s past, the history of that part of the…
Author: Keith Pounds
Editor’s Note: This article was generously contributed by Keith Pounds. You can read more articles from Keith on the Prepper Journal. The concept Keith is discussing below has so many parallels in our present society that you may feel are left unstated. I will leave it to the reader to draw their own conclusions from Keith’s excellent article. The State Guard could very well have a much more prominent role in our future. “It appears foolhardy to wait until a national emergency is upon us and the National Guard is ordered into the Federal service before at least laying…
Hospitals in the U.S. are under direct threat from Islamist extremist attacks for a myriad of reasons. An examination of terrorist attacks on hospitals internationally – and the reasons why terrorists have targeted them – would shock most administrators, doctors, nurses and patients. Suicide Bombers and Armed Assault The most common attack against hospitals has been by suicide bomber, with the second most common being armed assault. Hospitals are most often very open to the public and have multiple entrance doors, meaning that the identification and even the baggage of visitors is almost never checked or screened. This leaves hospitals…
“Teachers who teach western education? We will kill them! We will kill them in front of their students, and tell the students to henceforth study the Quran.” Abubakar Shekau, leader of Islamist extremist group Boko Haram July 13, 2013 Ongoing terrorist trends and tactics across the globe well prove that American schools are among the next big terrorist targets for attacks. While U.S. school shootings are surely among the most tragic accounts of personal and family tragedy over the last 20 years, they may unfortunately only preface a grotesque reality facing students, teachers, administrators and parents in the United States.…
Expose’ of Hezbollah, Iran, Latin America and Mexico ABSTRACT The greatest terrorism threat to America does not come specifically from the Middle East. The twisted, distorted, convoluted relationship of drugs, weapons, fraudulent documents, money laundering and terrorist infiltration from our southern border is currently the greatest threat to the American public. Iran and Syria have been the most prominent financial supporters of Hezbollah. As Iran’s economy suffered from economic sanctions relative to its nuclear weapons program and Syria experiences its own internal struggles, Hezbollah has been forced to gain funding through increased participation in drug and weapons smuggling, document fraud…
In counter-terrorism, “surveillance correlations” refers to several seemingly unrelated events actually being related, and showing evidence that you are either under surveillance or about to be attacked. Few areas of concern are showing more evidence of surveillance correlations than our water, electrical and nuclear facilities. Very simply, surveillance correlations presuppose that, if you see something once, it means nothing. If you see something twice, it is merely a coincidence. However, if you see something three times, you are under surveillance or someone is about to do you harm. One year ago this month- on April 13th, two days before the…
Many Preppers are simply individuals or families preparing for SHTF, while others may be organized into groups, conducting extensive training exercises. Unfortunately, while preparedness activitiers are typically focused on food storage or “bug out” locations, we often miss implementing real-world scenarios and “play like you practice” training. This article focuses on both the adverse affects of sleep deprivation and how the military, emergency responders and Preppers benefit from using sleep deprivation during training. It uses guidance from U.S. Army Field Manual (FM) 6-22.5, extensive studies by COL Gregory Belenky – Director of Neuropsychiatry at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research,…
Both civilian and military researchers have well-studied the psychological effects of natural disasters on civilians and the effects of combat on soldiers. Yet, little attention has been given to the psychological effects of the deployment of chemical or biological weapons on the general public or first responders. While first responders and search and rescue personnel would likely be overwhelmed with treating the actual physical casualties of biological and/or chemical weapons, past experience has shown that the presence of those who would experience adverse psychological reactions is extreme and could seriously disrupt the treatment of those actually suffering life-threatening injuries. This…
“I have to tell the world that if they do not defend us, then we have to defend ourselves with the only thing we have, our bodies. Our bodies are the only fighting means at our disposal.” – Hiba, 28-year old, mother of five, Suicide Bomber Trainee – The growing use of female suicide bombers among different terrorist organizations forces us to reconsider our thoughts on what appears to be an effective strategic weapon. Their deployment has become so effective that they pose a threat not only to national security, but to individual Americans as well. Most media accounts dangerously…