In many survival situations, your vehicle may be one of your most valuable prepper resources — if you’ve prepared it to be. In scenarios in which driving is possible and advisable, your prepper vehicle may be able to help you get to your bug-out location quickly and safely, again, depending on the general panic, the Golden Horde, road conditions, and capacity. We have looked at the Golden Horde in the past so for this post, we will concern ourselves with the vehicle preps. You might have the ability to purchase a vehicle with the intention of making it your bug-out…
Author: Guest Contributor
Editors Note: Another article from Konrad Vinson to The Prepper Journal. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share then enter into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies! Preppers are problem solvers, disaster planners before the fact. Potential situations are things we know may come to pass. Most preppers are ready for the curve balls Mother Nature can throw. Most natural events only cause a brief hiccup in our lives and infrastructure. (Notable exceptions: Hurricane…
Editors Note: A guest contribution from Cat Murphy to The Prepper Journal. If you have information for Preppers that you would like to share then enter into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies! Having the knowledge to grow and harvest your own food is an important part of being prepared for the future. Not only is home grown produce healthier for you, but it also can create quite a staple of energy that you can be shelf stable for many years to…
When preparing for the worst, it is always a good idea to utilize the lessons you’ve gathered throughout your life. For me, that education came through my experiences with playing golf tournaments. Now you might be wondering how golf carts, golf gadgets and popped-up collars will help you prepare you and your family for disaster, but I assure you what I learned on the course has helped me immensely with my prepping homework. Here are five lessons that golf tournaments have taught this golf expert about survival. Practice Never Made Perfect, But It Got Me Close Anyone who has built…
When the military standardizes particular ammo calibers, the civilian world usually catches on. Although it was not made as a military round, the 6.5 Creedmoor chambering suddenly becomes very popular in the long-range shooting community and thus the quest for the perfect 6.5 Creedmoor Scope gained considerable interest among competition shooters and hunters. While a few decades ago, “long-range” was considered distances of 400 to 800 yards, today those ranges are well beyond 1,000 yards. Currently, more and more target shooters and long-range hunters skew towards specific rifles chambered in an adequate caliber and equipped with specially designed optics featuring…
Whether we’ve been prepping for a whole two hours now, two weeks, two decades, or a couple of generations, there’s always going to be somebody who is or has “more” and “better”. More training, more skills, more supplies, more land, more plans, more support, a better location, better supplies, more and better people with them. Don’t let it Daunt You Everybody started somewhere. Maybe they started somewhere “better” from childhood and lifetime habits that immediately translated to prepper, survivalist, or homestead skills. Maybe they started “better” because they had significant disposable income and could immediately grab bunches and top-line. Regardless,…
Heating a greenhouse helps protect plants from the ravages of the harsh winter weather. However, it can cost an arm and a leg trying to do so. Wondering how to heat a greenhouse in winter? Read on to find out! Greenhouses provide the means to prolong the growing season and create an ideal environment for plants that require more heat during cold seasons. They work by trapping the warmth emitted by the sun using layers of greenhouse-grade glass or plastic. The trapped warmth helps to extend growing conditions by providing warmth for the crops. During winter, warmness can be lost…
Editors Note: An article from to The Prepper Journal. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share then enter into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies Think of the most valuable and irreplaceable things you keep around your home – old family photographs, important documents like birth certificates, a backup of your computer’s hard drive and the lifetime of work it contains, stockpiles of cash for a rainy day, and even precious jewelry and family heirlooms, as…
Editors Note: An article from Konrad Vinson to The Prepper Journal. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share then enter into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies! This article explores the uses of storage facilities for suburban and rural commuters prepping for “Get Home From the City” or “shelter-in-place” situations and other disaster planning. Using storage facilities as alternative urban shelters or urban caches this article opens the discussion to office workers with smaller…
Editors Note: An article from Dennis to The Prepper Journal. A sponsored post promoting choices in home warranties. I am posting this because it serves two purposes – it contains some good prepping tips and my being saddled with a poor choice in a home warranty, my own fault, I hope to help others avoid the same mistake. Indeed, precaution is better than cure. This cannot be more practical in our everyday life. No matter what we are doing, we should expect the best but at the same time, be prepared for the worst things that can happen. You know why…
Editors Note: An entertaining article from Ray Bryant to The Prepper Journal. And just in time. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share then enter into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies! If you’ve ever tried to hash-out a list of important supplies that you and yours would need in case of an emergency then you probably know just how fascinating and challenging the whole process can be. It starts with the realization that you…
Winter is almost here in much of the country, and that means that it’s time to start preparing for the cold months to come. One thing that no one wants to think about, but should always be prepared for, is the possibility of getting stranded out in the cold. Whether you’re camping and the temperature suddenly drops or you find your car stuck in a snow bank on the way to grandma’s house, being prepared to survive the cold could mean the difference between life and death. Here are some ways to help you prep for the possibility of getting…
Editors Note: An article from Nikita to The Prepper Journal. And just in time. A sincere comment from Joseph to The Prepper Journal had me thinking over the criminality and chaos of these post-election days, the underlying tension at a nightmare pitch, fueled on every medium by the Fourth Estate, that perhaps a step back and some inward inspection and analysis would bring some peace. So, in the spirit of prepping as a method to be ready for what comes, here is Nikita’s (Victor is the male equivalent) article which she thought should be titled either “These Are Crucial Mental Health…
Anyone who wants to prepare themselves for home defense, riots, and looting will want to own a shotgun. There are many reasons why someone should have a shotgun available in their possession for the preparation of such events. Even if you are not interested in hunting or recreational shooting, a shotgun is always good to have for home defense purposes no matter who you are. No one likes to think that their family or property will ever be in danger, but there is always the possibility of someone trying to break into your home for whatever reason. As a prepper,…
In this article we’re going to discuss how you can grow plants using fish in an aquaponics system. Aquaponics is the combination of hydroponics (a method of growing food without soil) and aquaculture (fish farming). The two things work in unison with each other, the fish provide waste which creates a fertilizer for the plants, and the plants clean the water which cycles back to the fish. This method is perfect for preppers who don’t want to rely on shops or farms and want to become self-sufficient and find a productive and easy way to grow your own food. This…
Editors Note: An article from Preston Felix to The Prepper Journal. The subject of intellectual property rights has been in the news a lot lately with it being a cornerstone of trade negotiations with China, the worlds biggest violator of trademarks. So this timely information should be of value to business owners and employees alike. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share then enter into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies! Companies that focus…
Editors Note: Another article from Ann Katelyn to The Prepper Journal. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share then enter into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies! Autumn and Winter months signal a dormant time in the garden but gardeners don’t have to hibernate as well. These are fall and winter tasks to care for garden plants. Just because the sun is out for fewer hours, and the weather is cooling off doesn’t mean…
Editors Note: An article from Walter to The Prepper Journal. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share then enter into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies! Every child in the developed countries of the world has to go to school. (Home school being a viable option of course.) However, extracurricular activities are something which no one forces kids to do, participation is not mandatory (though if you hope to get into college it is…
Prepping is not just about stocking up for an event such as an economic collapse or a natural disaster that rends away the systems that keeps modern society functioning. It’s also about independence, self-reliance, family and community cohesion, and pride in our ability to survive. We can be self-reliant in a number of ways, by for example, being self-reliant for food with having a smart crop rotation, raising our own cattle and keeping our own bees. We can also be self-reliant for water, ensuring a fresh, drinkable water supply is available by either harnessing natural fresh water available, or by…
In the United States going on a journey by car is thrilling. You get to see what cities and states are really like. You get to taste the local food, find out the unique things it has to offer, get an idea of your own as to why people live in such a place as opposed to perhaps to the places where the movies think we all live. You get not only the sights and sounds and smells but an understanding of the world outside your familiar zone. All good input for preppers who are planners and always want to…
Being a sporty type of person, I’ve always dreamed of long hikes to vast landscapes stretching out to the horizon. Unfortunately, coming from a family of four lovable people who’d rather spend the day on the couch, dream hikes can get pretty lonely. What better way to put an end to this solitude than to get me a furry new companion? Besides, one can never have too many excuses when it comes to adopting another dog. Especially if that dog is a hunting dog. Hunting dogs are perfect companions for people who like doing activities that require a lot of…
Editors Note: An article from Eric at Pew Pew Tactical to The Prepper Journal. One of my go to resources for information, they are in the business of selling and this is their case for getting into reloading. I have always wanted to take the plunge and knew the general buy in cost, but like a lot of people things like needing new tires or replacing a failing appliance always step in front of the purchase. Now, with the crazy guns laws being proposed, time to think this through again. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would…
Editor’s Note: A guest contribution from K. Ferr to The Prepper Journal. So you’ve done your homework and put together your last-ditch kit – you’re prepared to make a 72 hour foot hike to your bug out location. You’re prepared to fell trees, repel armed intruders and treat major arterial bleeding. But are you prepared to actually hike for three days? As it turns out, there is an entire group of people who do just that, frequently and for fun. These people are called hikers, and they have some concerns about that beastly kit you’re planning to schlep on your…
Editors Note: Another article from Paul Taylor to The Prepper Journal. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share then enter into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies! Like many preppers, I was a Boy Scout. My dad had been a Scout and was one of my Scoutmasters during my teens. He was a believer in safety, security, being careful, having the right gear and tools, and knowing how to use them. He knew a…
Editors Note: An article from Paul Taylor to The Prepper Journal. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share then enter into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies! I live in the suburbs of a large metropolitan area. I don’t even have half an acre of land to farm. I don’t have a cadre of prepper neighbors. I don’t have the income to buy or build a remote bug-out retreat, though I’d love to have…
When you’re headed out on a trip into the wilderness, packing light is essential. The last thing you want is to be weighed down with extra, unnecessary gear, especially if you plan on doing any extensive hiking. At the same time, anyone who’s been camping before knows the feeling of leaving a necessary piece of gear at home — it sucks. The goal when camping is somewhere between these two: Pack light, but don’t forget the essentials. Here are a some items to make sure you bring with you, but that won’t weigh you down. Cooking Gear While cast iron…
For archers there are hundreds of broad-heads on the market and one would assume that they are all decent at their job of making a bigger hole. However, a big hole isn’t the only criteria for a broad-head. At least if you want the most effective broad-head for your chosen game. Sometimes a big hole is the most effective, sometimes you need more penetration. Smaller animals are more effectively killed with shock. Selecting a broad-head that is more appropriate for your chosen game is just smart and can save you on damaged or broken arrows. Remember, as hunters, our goal…
Editors Note: Another article from Roger and the adventures at buyer benchmark to The Prepper Journal. That is them smiling in the picture, and who can blame them? For preppers their review contains good information we are glad they shared with us. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share then enter into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies! If you are planning a multi-day camping or hunting trip, you certainly have a lot of…
You’ve pulled out all the stops. Water filter? Check. Stockpiled food? Check. An impressive arsenal of weapons to use only in the case of self-defense? Check. But there’s just one problem that you haven’t accounted for — one that should’ve occurred to you. While you do have a large reserve of fresh food and water and the latest model of assault rifle, what you don’t have is a gym membership. Maybe you thought you didn’t need it, or maybe it just never came up, but now you’re envisioning yourself trekking through a lawless wasteland, out of breath, because you neglected…
First let’s give a nod at the growing zones that are just entering or hitting the main strides of their production seasons. Best of luck to you! For many of us in the northern hemisphere, growing season is winding down. We may be extending our production with row covers, greenhouses, indoor veggies and greens, and sprouts, or we may be hanging up our gloves for a complete break. Winter or summer, anytime we’re going to let our gardens or some portion of them go dormant, some simple preparations can help lower our workloads and increase their productivity for the next…