Editor’s Note: The following guest article has been generously contributed by Elizabeth. This is an article for the kids. So I’m not all that big into Mother’s Day. I tell my kids that I’m perfectly o.k. with it if they’re nice to me on any given day of the year, they don’t have to wait for one single day in May. I don’t want big gifts, that’s not what I’m about. I would bet most moms would agree: it is especially nice when the kids give something or do something especially thoughtful. It’s hard to think of what to do…
Author: Elizabeth
Editor’s Note: The following guest article has been generously contributed by Elizabeth. In this insightful post, Elizabeth discusses situations a woman who is living through a WROL (Without Rule of Law) scenario could be faced with. Still small voice. It doesn’t take much imagination to conjure a world without rule of law: My youngest is being held hostage by a crazed band of self-proclaimed ‘Freedom Fighters for the Defense of God.’ Even though I’m hungry, dirty and have a screaming migraine from being dehydrated, the ironies are not lost on me. But it doesn’t matter; right here, right now, it’s…
Just a Plain Old Afternoon I got home and she was on the couch, neck deep in a Netflix binge. Clearly she’d been there most of the day. The house smelled stale, I opened a window. Then I noticed the ice pack she had on her ankle. She jabbed at the remote, paused her movie, and, shockingly enough, put down the smartphone for a few minutes. I said, “Oh Honey!” to my grown daughter and asked what had happened. She had been long-boarding (a form of skateboarding). She showed me the road rash, raw and painful in awkward places. This…
Editor’s Note: The following guest article has been generously contributed by Elizabeth. I thought it would be interesting to write a piece that had no answers at all. Because, for me, very often it’s not just the answers that are the most helpful but the questions. So here goes: What do I need? How do I get it? What do I consider to be a small event? A big one? What is manageable? What is not? At what point do I think I have enough? Enough of what? Am I flexible? Have I considered many solutions? Can I…
Editor’s Note: This post was generously donated by Elizabeth. I guess in ways I’ve always been a prepper but never really thought about it like that; it’s always just been the way I live. Now, I’m definitely not prone to collecting mountains of random stuff, that would drive me nuts, but I wouldn’t think many people on this site are prone to it either as it would be too hard to maintain a bunch of stuff that has no use. From what I have observed, prepping is a thoughtful, well-considered series of actions, not a panic-stricken or depressive doom and…
Editor’s Note: This post was generously donated by Elizabeth and at first glance you may think her words have little to do with the subject of Prepping. That may be true in one aspect, but I think that our collective efforts as preppers are part of a larger goal of survival for our family. We don’t prep just to build up a basement full of gear. We prepare so we can take care of ourselves and others – to escape tragedy from unexpected events – to make life better if everything else has gone to hell. We prepare because we…