Editor’s Note: This post is another entry in the Prepper Writing Contest from Bobcat-Prepper. Great gardens that grow heaps of high-calorie food don’t just happen – you have to build them. I learned that this year when I tried growing a guerrilla garden in a nearby field, described here on The Prepper Journal. To summarize, I sprayed Round-up on a 10’x10’ plot in an abandoned farm field, chopped holes in the ground every square foot, and then dropped in a couple of corn kernels. No watering, no fertilizing, no amendments of any kind to the soil. Just to see what…
Author: Bobcat-Prepper
Editor’s Note: This post is another entry in the Prepper Writing Contest from Bobcat-Prepper. In just a few days, millions of us will be loading down the family vehicles and hitting the highway or heading to the airport for one of the busiest travel periods each year. As you are packing your clothes and belongings, Bobcat reminds us that you could find yourself stranded and what you have prepared ahead of time will be all you can depend on for getting home in a crisis. Will you be prepared? Most of us have imagined having to get ourselves home…
Editor’s Note: This post is another entry in the Prepper Writing Contest from Bobcat-Prepper. When is the last time you missed a meal? I mean really had no food for, say, 12 hours? Like most of you, I have been well-fed my entire life, and the only time I ever missed a meal was when I was sick. Reading the news about the continued flow of refugees from Syria to Europe got me thinking about how it would feel to go hungry post-disaster. It seemed a bit scary, and you know what they say about your fears – the best…
Editors Note: The following article has been generously contributed to our community by Bobcat-Prepper. The phrase “guerrilla gardening” was first used in 1973 in New York City, when Liz Christie and her Green Guerrilla group transformed an empty private lot into a vegetable and flower garden for community use. While not legal it was not challenged, and eventually became part of the NYC Parks Department. Guerrilla gardening today can be done for either personal benefit, or as a form of activism to draw attention to urban blight. In our case, I will discuss guerrilla gardening for survival. I got the…
Editors Note: The following article has been generously contributed to our community by Bobcat-Prepper. In this article, Bobcat shares his experiences with his own prepper relocation and offers advice to any other preppers who might be considering a move to a more advantageous location before SHTF. One of the first books I read when I because interested in emergency preparedness was James Wesley, Rawles’s classic “How to Survive the End of the World As We Know It”. Rawles’s description of “The Golden Hordes” emanating from the major cities during TEOTWAWKI gave me the shivers, thinking of those needy souls who…
Editors Note: The following article has been generously contributed to our community by Bobcat-Prepper. Our electrical grid has been repeatedly demonstrated to be our Achilles heel yet where is the call for action? Bobcat Prepper lists just a few relatively recent examples of threats that seem to attract little attention when you consider the larger implications of what could have happened had minor alterations occurred. In seemingly all of these examples, we have dodged a bullet or are ignoring risks and one day we may not be so lucky. We routinely discuss the importance of preparing for all manner of…
Editors Note: The following article has been generously contributed to our community by Bobcat-Prepper. He describes a situation that a lot of you may find yourselves in. Prepping is not something that is always a family activity and often the call of this responsibility falls on the shoulders of one person. If that is you, does your family know what you have prepped for? Do they know where your supplies are and more importantly, how to use them if needed? Do you have hidden caches of firearms, ammo or silver that if you died would remain buried forever until someone…