One common misconception about emergency preparedness is that food storage quality doesn’t matter as long as you have store foods that will last for a long time without spoiling. Having something stored is better than nothing but it is also crucial to fill your body with nourishing ingredients during an emergency. This will keep you satisfied and in top form. Eating lesser-quality foods can leave you susceptible to sickness and diminish your mental and physical health. You are storing food to protect your family against starvation but you also want to protect them from sickness and diseases caused by harmful…
Author: Amy Hanus
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When you begin prepping, one of the first places to start is with providing enough food for your family. As you start to think about food storage, people commonly ask: How much food is enough? There are a few considerations to make when deciding on quantity. Each food storage type has its own characteristics so included below are some things to keep in mind when determining how much to store. Pantry/Canned Foods: If you decide to include pantry/canned foods such as the grocery items that you consume regularly, calculating this can be fairly simple. First, figure out how much you…