No matter where you live, there are a number of things you can do right…
Search Results: power (908)
Prepping can involve building things useful for survival or comfort during lean times. Here are…
Periodically preppers and prepper fiction bring up hoof stock as options for A Bad Thing…
Mother nature has been showing her wrath in 2017. There is no hiding from her.…
Editors Note: A guest submission from Laura Johnson, and a timely subject considering current events in…
Portable Energy Storage Systems We recently wrote of batteries for electric devices, the value…
A disaster is a bad time to lose all of our conveniences in life. There are also some hand powered tools we can pull from the pages of history – and that inspire modern tools – that will help us with our self-reliance.
The number one thing I prepare for is a POWER OUTAGE when SHTF. Every SHTF series of events, includes the inevitable power outage. In fact, whenever the power goes out, even temporarily, I wonder if SHTF has arrived.
What if you could design a completely independent motor home that uses solar power or grid power to charge batteries to provide engine power, a dehydration system for water and hydroponics for food?
Editor’s Note: This post is another entry in the Prepper Writing Contest from Lancer. If…
I am always refining my prepping plans and the associated tools and gear I think…
Winter’s coming, and the nights are getting colder and longer… Today’s post on another excellent…
Planning for power outages is one of the most common things you can do in…
The first question that some people might ask is: Why would I want to consider…
In preparation for National Geographic’s debut of American Blackout this coming Sunday; I wanted to…
Everyone can remember the media outrage following Hurricane Katrina; New Orleans became a hotbed for…
For years, I have stated vigorously that my feet will never leave Ozarks soil again,…
Are you afraid of the dark? Me either, but darkness brings about a whole new…
It’s a fact that energy makes our lives far more comfortable and in some cases,…
There are many skills that can enhance our chances of survival – some obvious like…
Heading out for an adventure with your mountain bike is probably one of the perks…
If you are an avid prepper, disaster preparedness will definitely include readiness for a nuclear…
There are mainly three types of bows that archers use: recurve, compound, and crossbow. Each…
Most people think that bunkers are only used during wars, however, they apply to everyday…
It’s a quiet night at home – if your definition of quiet includes kid mayhem,…
Many disasters that befall people and homes can be mitigated with some basic preparation. Every…
Experiencing trauma in the form of natural and other disasters is something no child should…
When supply chains become broken, those that rely on crucial medications could be in big…
In an emergency, you never know what will happen. Most people don’t know what they’ll…
Preparing to start living off the grid is not as simple as most people think.…