A “bug out” bag, also known as BOB, is a portable kit containing items required…
Search Results: bug out (696)
Selecting, testing, and taking care of your bag out backpack should be a real priority…
A guest post from Megan Ray Nichols. When things go down, you’ll need to be…
When the time comes that I need to leave my suburban fortress, I think I’m…
Editors Note: A guest submission from Cellcounter about a different disaster you may have to…
If your survival plan doesn’t include a bug out to the forest option, it should, but coming up with a good plan might be more difficult that you think.
With about $300 to $400 invested in reloading equipment, all those hundreds or even thousands of once fired brass casings can be reloaded for a tremendous savings over buying factory new ammunition.
When travelling, working from a vehicle or in a hostile environment it makes sense to keep all your important and essential equipment in a bug out bag.
Today I’m going to teach you one way to plan for a vehicle load out. Also I will help you develop a plan to secure the load so you can travel more safety.
It would be terrible if after all the thought, time and effort put into making a bug out bag, that when you need it the most, it’s not within easy reach.
What if this simple bug out vehicle load plan could get your and your family on the road faster?
You could conceivably bug out by boat if you live within a short drive from the coast, lake, large river or even stream. Before you throw in with Gilligan and the Skipper though, here are some things to consider.
One of the main problems preppers seem to be drawn to solve is the very realistic potential of having to drop everything and bug out of your home in a moment’s notice. Today I want to focus on one potential answer to the bugging out problem, the bug out bike.
The purpose of a Household Emergency Bug out Bag is to have a small bag ready with supplies and resources you may need if you were forced to temporarily abandon your house due to an extremely localized emergency (just you).
Some say it all boils down to what you are prepping for – some sort of national emergency, oil crises, natural disaster, mass civil unrest, pandemic, etc. No matter the reason, it doesn’t really matter unless you are always ready to bug out.
post-TSHTF, it’ll be an even bigger change. We (my family) still have Internet, vehicles, gasoline, washing machine… for now.
Editor’s Note: This post is another entry in the Prepper Writing Contest from Mike Turner.…
Are you comfortable and secure in your home? Would you still be comfortable and secure if you no longer had electricity or natural gas service?
Editor’s Note: This post is another entry in the Prepper Writing Contest from Ben Wallace.…
Editor’s Note: This post is another entry in the Prepper Writing Contest from David Paul…
Editor’s Note: This post is another entry in the Prepper Writing Contest from T-Man. I…
Editor’s Note: This post has been generously contributed by A.B. Vanover and he lays out…
Editor’s Note: This article has been generously contributed by Bolo. As in his other articles,…
The bottom just dropped out all of your warning triggers are telling you that it’s…
Editor’s Note: This article is the second in a two-part series that was generously contributed…
Editor’s Note: This article was generously contributed by Bolo. It is the first of a…
A critical prep that you have to plan for including in your bug out bag…
Editor’s Note: This article was generously contributed by Bolo and he discusses the merits of…
It’s like a bad scene out of a disaster movie mixed with your worst nightmare.…
I wanted to talk about bug out vehicles and create a different kind of list. This list will be the best bug out vehicles you can actually afford.