There is a popular meme that states “the best place to hide a body is on Page 2 of a Google Search results” and this has proven to be true, trust me, I use a number of search engines every day and sometimes your would be surprised at what you find past the ones who have done their SEO homework AND paid a fee to get that premier spot on the results page. Positively surprised in this case which was unexpected.
In looking at a site run by Grizzly Tarps of Azusa California,, I found a number of pretty cool guides on Natural Disaster Planning with a lot of great detail on things like water quality after a disaster, tips on how to deal safely with seniors, pets and on the dangers of water damage. And better yet, they were more than happy to let me share them stating “If this helps even one person to protect their family and property, then we are doing a necessary job by increasing public awareness.” Kudos to them.
The links are as follows and really worth your time to work through:
- Flood Preparedness guide – Includes BEFORE, DURING and AFTER tips, also sections for pets and senior
- Water Categories and Water Damage Classifications– Includes the comparison of water damages and waters with comprehensive comparison
- Disaster Preparedness Plan – An info-graphic of different types of disasters
- How To Prepare For Natural Disasters – A complete guide for emergency
I found them to be informative and easy to absorb. A good review with well laid out information that preppers will appreciate.
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