The end of the complacent world where others control their fate is staring the United Kingdom in the face and the stories of their leap into prepping are lessons for us all.
What happened to the Empire upon which the Sun never set? In 1973 they joined the European Union and ostensibly gave up their sovereignty to the bureaucrats of Brussels, the first real “one-world” government experiment. And now that the generations of Britain’s who have never lived without the shadow of Brussels over them have reached their age of rational thought the panic of being responsible for themselves is setting in and we as preppers can take some lessons from their sudden interest in preparedness. BTW, a generation is defined as between 22-33 years, so in the 46 years since they joined the EU they have raised 1.7 generations. Preceding generation have not yet died off and have to be somewhat amused to some extent.
To quote Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper:
This being Britain, people are not retreating to underground bunkers, as America’s “Doomsday preppers” do, and Britons are more likely to hoard toilet paper than weaponry. But with time running out and negotiations at a delicate point, some Britons are preparing for a crisis that could upend their way of life.
“People are talking about World War II and rationing,” said Ms. Mann, a former midwife. “People have also been talking about the blackouts in the 1970’s, and how power was rationed.”
“This has the potential of being a combination of the two,” she said.
The government of Prime Minister Theresa May dismisses such talk, but its own ministers have published contingency plans for an exit on March 29 without a deal, and for the first time since the end of rationing in the 1950’s, Britain has a minister responsible for food supplies. More ominously, the government has advertised job openings in emergency planning. (source)”
The “(source)” quoted above is the ever truthful pillar of integrity, the New York Times. Ms. Lindsey then goes on to use the the saga of Super-storm Sandy 2012 as an example of how unprepared the people of the Northeast were, and most likely remain (the full text of her article is in the link above.)
As for the British the truth be told they have to stockpile toilet paper because they aren’t actually allowed to stockpile weapons, not even knives in their nations capital and this is for a peaceful transition back to control and sovereignty, not a doomsday SHTF, TEOTWAWKT scenario, but try and tell them that.
The stories abound about seaports suddenly being closed or gridlocked within this island nation that for centuries ruled the Seven Seas. Sprinkle in the normal stories of market shelves emptied, shortages of everything, and the real prospect of an interruption in the convenient life that they are accustom to for a period of time and their reactions become a case study in perhaps a little over reaction, but more a fast-track to beginning prepping. The light bulb above their heads has noted that they have seven (7) weeks and counting with a government that really has no solid planning in place. Note that their government has been more and more omnipresent in their everyday lives than we would ever (hopefully) accept and there is still just under 50% of the population that wants to remain under the thumb of Brussels.
This is not an indictment of the British people who throughout history have demonstrated resilience to hardship that few nations can match, but of generations facing a bump in the night and letting their imaginations perhaps run away with them a little.
The changes will be at the highest level of government, business and trade and trade agreements. This nation, the size of Alabama, has fifteen (15) refineries to keep providing the same products they have been producing since the 1950’s, and fifteen (15) nuclear power generating stations – Alabama has four (4). And with a population of sixty-six million (66,000,000), the same as California and Texas combined, fuel supplies should not be a major concern, or gridlock, or an ingeniously timed invasion from outer space.
Opportunity to Learn
What it is for us is an opportunity to watch, live, a microcosm of how the unprepared will react and learn from it for our own planning. From now until March 29th, and certainly for the two weeks past that date, the United Kingdom is going to give us a preview of economic change – I predict it, like most other doomsday predictions will have some minor bumps but will mostly go unnoticed or not widespread. Time will prove me right or wrong. But it will show in real time how people react, we will get to see on a small scale the grasshoppers knocking on the ants doors.
As preppers we know that water, food and medical supplies should always be a concern and to that vein we can be encouraged that more and more people in the United Kingdom are actually starting to see this as a safety net for themselves and their families and not as a knee-jerk reaction to any media-fueled hysteria, of which there is plenty swirling around, as their media, like ours, lives in the one-world government camp.
To their credit the United Kingdom never sought to adopt the Euro as their official currency as a part of their membership in the European Union (EU); they secured an opt-out at the Euro’s creation via the Maastricht Treaty in 1992. This makes the separation back to sovereignty so much easier and straight forward. As an aside, I found it interesting that the original countries that started the EU who had a monarchy did not originally adopt the Euro, kept their currency honoring their royals for a period of time. And the Euro, once $1.38 vs the dollar is today $1.14. It will be interesting to see how it reacts to the March 29th withdrawal of the United Kingdom. The British Pound Sterling is valued at $1.30 and how it floats over the transition period will be another trend to watch.
Welcome back to self-determination Beefeaters.
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