Editors Note: This is the second article on the benefits of Colloidal Silver as part of a well-rounded preparedness plan by R. Barry King, PhD. You can read the first article of this series here.
Part Two – Preparation and Use
The term COLLOID refers to any substance that forms a particle so finely divided that it will not precipitate due to the force of gravity and stays suspended in a fluid due to the effect of its tiny size or from electric charge. The production of true colloidal silver, or nano-silver, is quite easy and any eight year old can do it in about 20 minutes on the kitchen table.
C. Silver seems to be non-toxic to humans, pets and plant life. It has been shown in valid research to be effective against every microorganism on which it has been evaluated, including viruses. Performance as an emergency water disinfectant and first aid infection fighter is unmatched. The scientific literature also seems to imply it is effective against influenza, hepatitis, shingles, the common cold, herpes, and STDs. Odorless and tasteless, C. Silver is being used internally by many individuals as a protection against food poisoning after eating out and they always take it on travel. Two ounces twice a day is what most researchers are recommending, when needed. The following quotes are taken from the medical literature:
“There is no microbe known that is not killed by Colloidal Silver in six minutes or less in a dilution as little as 5 ppm” – Dr. Henry Crooks, MD
“C. Silver is the best antibiotic known” – Dr. Francisco Contreras, MD
“I sincerely recommend that everyone have electrically generated colloidal silver in their home as an antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal agent.” – J. Weissman, MD, UC Medical School
True colloidal silver is best prepared at home on a regular basis. Information on my CS generator for home use can be found at the conclusion of this article. Look for the name — QwykSilver
Contrary to the claims of some modern writers, it becomes immediately obvious from only a casual glance at the scientific data that true colloidal silver is indeed a Godsend for human nutrition and anti-infection and carries no threats to human health along the way. Moneyed interests have tried to mask and minimize the benefits of natural remedies ever since modern medicine matured in the early 20th century. Silver was the mainstay of defense against infection until the invention of penicillin in the 1930’s. Then, silver was relegated to a back seat in deference to the more profitable antibiotics of the modern era. But, that turn of events has stalled with the development of antibiotic-resistant organisms. The death toll from MRSA and a dozen other resistant germs has taken the lives of untold thousands of patients who contracted the infection while in the hospital! And silver could have prevented these tragic losses. Indeed, today modern medicine is returning to silver for its powerful effects against infections and contagious diseases. All the burn clinics of the world utilize silver for the sterilization of burn wounds. Surgeries are utilizing silver impregnated bandaging. Silver is used in Band-Aids® to combat infection. Silver is utilized in the delivery room for treatment of infant’s eyes to prevent infection. Ask your MD if all this is not true. So, why would any physician deny a patient the protective use of colloidal silver in any health regimen?
The stark reality is that most, if not all, of the infectious diseases we are dealing with today are quickly brought under control by the use of nano-silver and its associated forms.
The reader needs to exercise great caution in selecting from all the products available today and marketed as Colloidal Silver from the many purveyors that can be found online and in health food stores. The quality of these products varies from A to Z and the old adage from the sideshow carnival applies here, “Ya pays your money, and ya takes your chances.”
Bottled CS products have been manufactured in some remote location, sometimes overseas, and stored in inventory until shipment to the wholesaler. Then it remains there until shipped to a retailer. Then it sits on the retailer’s shelf until sold. One might ask, “Does CS have a shelf life?” Yes, it does. What this shelf life happens to be depends on a number of factors, over which the buyer has no control whatsoever. I have heard from my clients that fluids bought in health food stores, at very high prices indeed, have delivered sad performances. The cost of these products ranges from $4 to $10 per ounce. The cost of home generated CS is in the range of pennies per gallon and a pair of electrodes can last a year or two. Home generation has the advantage of being under the direct control of the user who knows that it is fresh.
How to prepare colloidal silver
Fresh Colloidal Silver can be manufactured at home with ease. The ideal therapeutic concentration is between 5 and 10 parts per million as silver (Ag). The use of the QwykSilver home generator is the method of choice for many Preppers and personnel who work overseas and in impoverished areas with little or no available medical help. They always take along their “Dr. in a Bottle.”
The setup is quick and easy. First, place about a half-inch of tap water (preferably charcoal filtered, but it’s only an option) into the Mason jar provided in the kit. Then, fill the jar with Distilled water from the grocery store. I never add salt, as that encourages the formation of silver chloride which is toxic and not as effective as a germ fighter. Next, simply place the lid (with electrodes) on the jar and connect the nine-volt battery supplied in the kit to the pure silver electrodes as shown. The perfect size generator for this kit is a 16 oz. pint size jar (supplied). A quart jar will do nicely, but will require a little more generation time. Make sure you are using a glass container and NEVER use any type metal container. Place the generator on a dark background.

You will notice that one electrode will begin to make a mist, while the other one generates bubbles. This slight cloudiness consists of fine silver that is being stripped from the positive (anode) electrode and becoming colloidal and ionic in form. After many months of use, you may need to replace one or both electrodes. Replacement electrodes are available from me at a cost of $42/pair postpaid.
Included in the kit is a push-button red laser light. Shine the laser through the fluid in the jar and observe the silver pouring off the positive electrode. Stir ONLY with a plastic utensil to distribute any cloudiness. Continual stirring is not necessary. As the fluid gets milky (sometimes the fluid remains clear) the process is proceeding and is complete when the laser beam is clearly visible. Check your progress often. This usually takes 10 to 35 minutes (maybe a bit longer with a quart jar) and that’s very Qwyk.
Some say that you should run the generator until the solution looks yellow, but that is not necessary. Your solution will test out at around 6 to 10 parts per million Total Ag and that is optimal for effectiveness. Any more than that is just a waste and makes the electrode life much shorter.
Your finished product should look something similar to this:

Store your freshly made C. Silver solution in a dark cupboard and never refrigerate. Light can degrade the C. Silver in short order.
Usage and Dosage
Contrary to the claims of some modern writers, it becomes immediately obvious from only a casual glance at the scientific data that true colloidal silver is indeed a Godsend for human nutrition and anti-infection and carries no threats to human health along the way. Moneyed interests have tried to mask and minimize the benefits of natural remedies ever since modern medicine matured in the early 20th century. Silver was the mainstay of defense against infection until the invention of penicillin in the 1930’s. Then, silver was relegated to a back seat in deference to the more profitable antibiotics of the modern era. But, that turn of events has stalled with the development of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. The death toll from MRSA and a dozen other resistant germs has taken the lives of untold thousands of patients who contracted the infection while in the hospital! And silver could have prevented many of these tragic losses. Indeed, today modern medicine is returning to silver for its powerful effects against infections and contagious diseases. All the burn clinics of the world utilize silver for the sterilization of burn wounds. Surgeries are utilizing silver impregnated bandaging. Silver is used in Band-Aids® to combat infection. Silver is utilized in the delivery room for treatment of infant’s eyes to prevent infection. Ask your MD if all this is not true. So, why would any physician deny a patient the protective use of colloidal silver in any health regimen?
The author is a retired Professor of Environmental Science and Human Nutrition and has been a practicing scientist for some 44 years now. The stark reality is that most, if not all, of the infectious diseases we are dealing with today are quickly brought under control by the use of nano-silver and its associated forms. Many of my clients are MDs and Pharmacist Clinicians who regularly prescribe my generator for their patients who suffer from such maladies as Lyme’s disease, candida and other mold and yeast infections, chronic rhino sinusitis, shingles and other herpes viral infections, diabetic skin ulcers, eye, ear, nose and throat infections, and the like. They all report marvelous success in treatment.
I have been asked many times, “if C. Silver kills bacteria, then won’t it destroy the friendly microbes in the gut and bowel as well?” The answer is fairly straightforward. C. Silver kills anaerobic pathogens, yeasts and fungi in the lower bowel, but leaves the healthy aerobic colon flora alone. It seems to inactivate the enzymes that support facultative and strict anaerobic metabolism, but does not affect the normal aerobic gut flora we need for healthy digestion and absorption. Very seldom is it necessary to prescribe a probiotic to bolster the healthy digestive tract flora.
Then too, silver seems to act as an amphoteric metal in its physical chemistry. These metals are soluble and biologically active and bioavailable at acid and at basic pH, but insoluble and unavailable at neutral pH, so as the stomach is acidic, Ag is bioactive and fights infections of the alimentary tract while in the stomach, but when bile is injected into the duodenum as the food leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine, the pH neutralizes and the killing action is prevented from acting on the friendly microbes of the gut. Any pathogens and toxins that were ingested into the stomach are eliminated, but the normal friendly flora of the gut is maintained. Elemental silver is then fairly quickly eliminated in the urine and feces so that no buildup will occur IF THE SILVER IS A TRUE COLLOID AND NOT A SILVER SALT. All the fears that have been artificially generated by the opponents of C. silver sort of, well, uh, go down the toilet here.
So what dosage is effective? Generally, applied directly to a questionable source of drinking water, very little is needed. As little as 1 part per million (ppm) is sufficient to render about any water source potable and safely drinkable. That would take about 4 oz. of fresh C. Silver per gallon.
If you are disinfecting an open wound, use C. Silver to wash and cleanse the wound going as deep as possible before applying any anti biotic and soak the bandaging in the CS fluid, re-wetting occasionally. Wounds heal much faster and leave little or no scarring when treated with C. Silver.
Always include a quart of Clorox® in your Emergency Prep gear. Use it to immediately disinfect any water source at a dose of 1 to 2 tablespoons per gallon if you can suffer the bad taste. But, as Clorox has no residual action and quickly evaporates, add C. Silver for continued and residual disinfection. Then your water should remain germ-free for months on end.
Most researchers recommend a dosage of 2 oz. per day for the average adult. In times of high stress and possibly contagious infection, 4 oz. per day should suffice. Children and small pets can do well on 1 oz. per day. I know of some who have given 4-8 oz. per day to horses when they have contracted Parvo virus when the poor animal was sent home to die by the attending vet. They recovered rapidly and survived.
It is recommended that C. Silver use be extended as long as the threat continues. But, when conditions return to non-threatening, a much lower daily dosage may be in order, say 2 oz. every third day, or so.
About the Author: Dr. King is a retired Professor of Environmental Science and Human Nutrition and the author of four books—two textbooks on Biotechnology, a Novel “Bad Medicine” and a treatise on Paleoclimate. His fifth, “The Bible on NanoSilver” will be available in mid-2015 on Amazon. He is the designer, along with a PhD engineer and a compounding Pharmacist Clinician, of a Colloidal Silver Generator for home use – the QwykSilver Dr. in a Bottle, which is Money Back Guaranteed and sells for $90, plus $6 S&H. He may be contacted by email at: [email protected] and to order the generator.
DISCLAIMER – These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and C. silver is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. We make no claims whatsoever.
Dolphins are SILVER all over and also very QWYK both intellectually and physically.