Back in July I wrote an article about the potential for ‘biological warfare’ being waged against America by terrorist groups. Now, the “JV team” (ISIS, according to Obama) ISIS has Baghdad surrounded and it may fall in the coming days or weeks. In martial arts I learned respect, including respect for my opponents. Underestimating a threat is the undoing of many people, including famous military commanders. We have a president who has underestimated several critical issues, and now he has done the same thing yet again with Ebola.
Americans are all at risk when the administration fails to act timely and effectively. The current administration is plagued with incompetence combined with overconfidence (dangerous combination), and anyone who has been paying attention to the news is hearing that theme loud and clear, from every side of the media.
‘Capability’ regardless of how great, is useless without leadership, planning and timely execution. We have seen none of these qualities fielded by the current administration. In fact, if ISIS is the “JV team”, the Obama administration is the junior high school ‘JV’ team.
Ebola is now in America, contrary to what Obama told Americans a few weeks back. And what is possibly more frightening than the incompetence of Obama and his administration, including the head of the CDC, Dr.Thomas Frieden, is the fact that ISIS commanders have said in no uncertain words that they will send Jihadists who are infected with Ebola to America.
In years past, prior to the Obama open border policy, these Jihadists would have had a far more difficult time gaining access into the American homeland, however that is no-longer the case. In addition to illegal immigrants who are pouring into the U.S. over our southern border, a contingent of whom are known to be Jihadists, are the people who are flying commercial airliners right into America from countries in Africa where the Ebola virus is raging out of control. The number of cases is growing by 10,000 every two weeks according to the WHO.
At every step of the way, the CDC is seen as either holding-back information they have on Ebola, or in some cases, are just plain incompetent and don’t know what they are talking about. For instance, Dr. Frieden the head of the CDC told Americans just a week ago that the incubation period of the Ebola virus was about 21 days. Now we learn from the World Health Organization (WHO) that the incubation period is actually as long as 42 days!
Also not known by the CDC is that (according to the WHO) some of the infected don’t show signs of fever or other symptoms, yet may still be contagious. So these infected people could infect many others without any warning signs.
Now considering the recent promise by ISIS to send Jihadists infected with Ebola to America… it seems that a 42-day incubation period works to their advantage… a long fuse on a deadly ‘viral bomb’. An individual Jihadist has more than enough time to become infected, and while the deadly virus is incubating for many weeks, that individual could easily travel overseas and into America legally, or illegally. I say legally because Obama has seen fit to allow Americans who fought with ISIS to return to America and roam free, and who’s to say if they may be carrying something?
And once an infected Jihadist is in America, do you think that person will check into a hospital when the symptoms appear? Heck no! A Jihadist will make it a point to contaminate the most congested public places, sneezing and coughing, and with some thought, things much worse! The bottom line is that an infected Jihadist is as close to the perfect biological weapon as a terrorist group can get… with an intelligent delivery system. Just keep in mind that these are the same people who wrap themselves in explosives and blow themselves and others to pieces.
Many other countries, including France and Great Britain have closed their doors to flights from the infected African countries, while Obama has elected to keep allowing people to arrive across America daily! And during a time when the CDC can’t find its own backside with both hands! And it seems now that the best information on Ebola is coming from the WHO, and not the CDC, which has been coined as the ‘Center For Disease Confusion’ by some radio talk show hosts.
And now, to top off the lunacy from the top office, Obama is considering sending even more of our countrymen and women (National Guard and other soldiers) into the infected countries of Africa! This is just stupidity at its finest! When we look at the facts on the ground in Texas, where nurses working in a top hospital environment and who have training and hazmat suits are now infected with Ebola, any logical person would stop and re-think the situation. Sending a bunch of young men and women into a raging Ebola epidemic with less experience and training than the Texas nurses had is a disaster in the making of monumental proportions. And here again, with a 42-day incubation period, how do we handle asymptomatic soldiers returning home, who may be infected and inside that incubation period? Are we going to quarantine hundreds or thousands of our soldiers? Or just let them come back into society when we know that some will become contagious and infect dozens/hundreds of other people in their home towns?
Some readers may be asking the question as to why I am outlining these particular issues. There is a very logical rationale for outlining and detailing these issues: Too many American people are being caught-up in the false rhetoric (don’t worry, we have it under control’) because they want to believe and trust they will be ‘OK’. So it’s important that others are doing the calculus and digging into the daily contradictions and then outlining them, which hopefully stimulates others to do their homework.
Americans need to know what the real facts are, so they can themselves take the needed actions to protect themselves from what may be coming; a full-on Ebola Epidemic in America. Quite frankly, a death by beheading would be merciful compared to a death by Ebola, which we now learn from the WHO is about 70% fatal (the CDC was wrong on that point too).
Americans need to understand why they must rely on themselves for being prepared, and that is why it is important to focus on the failings of the current administration and its policies.
In the case of Ebola: An ounce of prevention (preparedness) is worth a pound of cure.
Cheers! Capt. Bill