The Prepper Journal

A Dad’s Guide In Prepping His Home

It is Father’s Day and the whole family is enjoying a nice old family BBQ. Daddy is wiping the ribs a fresh coating of his special barbecue sauce. The kids are chasing the family dog around the backyard while Mommy is chopping some vegetables for salad. Then suddenly, sirens are blaring. There is a flurry of news flashes across all channels. Authorities ask everyone to stay calm and remain indoors. No one knows what exactly is happening. Power shuts down and establishments close their doors. Things escalate quickly and there is a breakdown of law and order. Pretty soon, there is mass panic. The worst nightmare of the staunchest of preppers has come true: doomsday has come.

There are many different worst case scenarios that a prepper can imagine: a nuclear terrorist attack that sets the whole nation into panic, a sudden economic collapse that leads into a second depression, or an unstoppable epidemic that threatens to wipe out the entire population. Each of these worst case scenarios come with their own specific threats that need certain specific reactions. For example, a nuclear attack would require a gas mask and radiation suits while a widespread epidemic may require a stash of antibiotics. Because every scenario has its own sets of dangers and threats that needs a specific response, it would be impossible to tackle all of them in detail. However, most of these scenarios share a common problem that every prepper should be ready for—staying inside your house without leaving for a considerable amount of time. Unless there is an urgent need for evacuation, authorities would most likely advise people to stay indoors and stay put in times of calamities. Is your home prepared for such situations? What if circumstances force your family to stay holed up in your house for weeks or even months? Will you be able to survive? Below is a basic preparedness guide for survival in case your family needs to stay inside for long periods of time.

There are three main things to consider in prepping in case of “holed-up” scenarios: food, health, and security.


Families usually rely on refrigeration in storing their food. However, in worst case scenarios, refrigeration is almost always unavailable. That is why a prepper looking to be ready for worst case scenarios should be ready with food supplies that keep for a long time without the need for refrigeration. A good way to do this is by preparing survival food kits. Examples of foods in survival food kits are canned goods, dehydrated foods, freeze-dried foods, cured meats, smoked meats, and ready-to-eat meals.

Canned Foods – Canned foods are fruits, vegetables and meats that are stored in cans and jars for long-term storage. Aside from having long shelf lives (they can last for a year), canned goods are also good for storing because they are stored in durable containers and are quite safe from marauding rats and other pests. Dried beans and dried white rice receive special mention because of their extremely long shelf lives that can last up to 25 years. They are also good sources of proteins and carbohydrates.

Photo via Pinterest
Photo via Pinterest

Dehydrated Foods – A food dehydrator removes much of the moisture from specific foods such as fruits and vegetables. This inhibits the growth of microorganisms that cause the food to spoil. Dehydrated fruits such as dried apples and oranges are good sources of vitamin C.

Freeze-Dried Foods – Foods are processed in a freeze-drier to drain all moisture from it, resulting in a food that is lightweight with a very long shelf life.

Cured Meats and Smoked Meats – Cured meats have been treated with nitrates in it to prevent the growth of microbes and extend the unrefrigerated shelf life of meats. By using heat and smoke to dehydrate meats, exposing the meat in smoke discourages microbial growth. The smoke also deposits an anti-microbial chemical layer around the meat, extending its shelf life.

Aside from storability and shelf life, it is also important to get as much nutritional value from your food kits. Be sure to have meats for protein, rice, starch, or beans for carbohydrates, and vegetables and fruits for vitamin C, fiber, and other vitamins and minerals. Processes such as canning, drying and dehydrating inevitably degrades the nutritional values of food. That is why it is important to maximize the amount of nutrition you can get from your food kits.


Since going to the hospital for emergencies is probably out of the question, it is best to be ready for health emergencies and situations on your own. Say, someone gets a nasty cut or a broken arm, one must be ready to deal with these kind of situations. That is why it is always helpful to have emergency survival kits. In preparing your emergency survival kit, be sure to include stuff that can help you deal with medical emergencies. A stash of over-the-counter antibiotics is always helpful to counter infections. Medical gauges and antiseptics to help clean wounds are also staples of any survival kit.

If a member of the family has a special condition, such as asthma or diabetes, be sure to prepare sufficient medication for the person for a prolonged period of time.


In dire times, it becomes much more important to keep your family safe and secure. Worst case scenarios will bring in difficult times and these times will make some people desperate. Desperate people can sometimes pose serious threats to the safety of your family. That is why aside from securing your family’s food and health, it is also important to pay attention to your home safety. When facing difficult times and forced to stay indoors for long periods of time, it is important to make sure that your home is secure from intruders. Having strong locks to keep the place secure will make sure that no one gets into your home without your permission. It is very important to brief the family about what to do in case of security emergencies. Home security should be a family effort and every member of the family should be involved in it.

Author Bio: John Anderson is a Web Developer, Creative Content Director and a Commissioned Artist. He is particular in watching web and social media changes and uses. He is interested about various internet trends and enjoys his day job as a cartoonist and commissioned artist. Follow him on Twitter.



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