In this weeks featured video, Cody Lundin demonstrates how to catch and eat a rat with a dead fall trap near his home in the desert. Cody is the founder, director, and lead instructor of the Aboriginal Living Skills School, LLC in Prescott, Arizona; an adjunct instructor in outdoor survival, primitive living, and urban preparedness at Yavapai College; an adjunct faculty member at the Ecosa Institute; and co-host of the television series Dual Survival. I also have Cody’s book When All Hell Breaks Loose: Stuff You Need To Survive When Disaster Strikes and I highly recommend it if you are just getting into the concepts of Survival or Prepping.
- Pressure Test Yourself
- How to Clean and Take Care of Your Guns
- Tertiary Prepper Skills – Reconnaissance
- Tertiary Prepper Skills – Garden OPSEC
- The Ultimate Preppers Guide for Preparing Food Reserves That Last
- Your Ideal Survival Kit Checklist For Mountain Bike Rides
- The Best Outdoor Activities for Survivalists to Stave Off Boredom